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Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

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12 Celebrities who have already volunteered or done charity.

When talking about volunteering, there are actually quite a number of media figures who have already done it or donated a lot of money to institutions.

Many of them support institutions that contribute to making the world a better place or travel around underdeveloped countries to make the difference themselves.

From actors, musicians to you tubers, they are an example of people that put money aside to see others’ happiness. In this article, we will be revealing many of them and how they contributed to this fight.

Angelina Jolie

She has already improved the quality of life of thousands of people around the world by donating and raising money to important causes.

She already donated 1 million dollars to an appeal from international United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the highest donation yet that the branch had ever received, at least from a single person.

Angelina Jolie currently supports an enormous amount of charity institutions and has given aid to many missions related to the refugees, most of them in Africa.

She has doneanother many philantropical act and it was her mother who Incentivized her to pursue that path.

Jolie has already received a lot of humanitarian awards, including Citizen of the World Award.

Felix kjellberg.

Felix “Pewdiepie” Kjellberg, the biggest you tuber in the world, has already donated more than $3 million to charities.

He and his subscribers have raised money for many other institutions with the most different goals like Charity:Water, which aims to provide water to countries and places around the world where some people don’t have access to water; World Wild life fund, save the children, and many others.

Through these achievements, Felix has proven that his you tube channel is able to raise a lot of help to promote assistance for global issues.

Hilary Swank

Famous star of Million Dollar Baby, Hilary Swank has already done volunteering job in India. In July and August of 2016, She’s worked with children in an orphanage.

For two weeks, the actress traveled to India where she worked as a teaching assistant.

On that orphanage, she gave special attention to poor children who were going through difficult times and helped them improve their education.

Ben Affleck

The actor Ben Affleck who is known by the young adults for his role as Batman is also remembered for helping victims of sexual abuse, including many children. He has done that through an institution he founded called the “Eastern Congo Initiative”.

George Cloney, Brad Pitt, Mat Damon – Not on our Watch

Through the founding of an institution called “Not on our watch”, they raised help and recognition of the genocide that happened in Sudanese territory. George Cloney was even arrested when protesting against the Sudanese government, in 2012.

Oprah Winfrey

She had a huge importance when raising awareness of Aids/HIV besides founding in 2007 a chunk of boarding schools, the so-called Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.

She already raised more than $400 million to invest in education in underdeveloped countries around the world.

Taylor Swift – Won “most charitable celebrity twice.”

Swift has founded a campaign to protect children from online abuse and bullying.  She participates in many institutions like Red Cross, Children in Need,  Wounded Warrior Project, and much more. Recently, she has already been named the Most Charitable Celebrity by Today.com two years in a row, 2012 and 2013.

Mel Gibson

He has already donated $10 million to reimburse hospitals that cared for seriously ill children and is a big supporter of children care institutions like “Healing the Children”.

Justin Timberlake

The very well-known figure Justin Timber lake has already raised money for hurricane katrina victims and regularly donates to Habitat For Humanity, Shriner Hospitals for Children, and Kids Wish Network, working with them and raising funds with his fans. It is an example on how to use fame to raise a good cause.

Lance Bass – Boy Band Member

Lance Bass is a former boy band member that already supported a variety of causes ranging from fighting AIDS and HIV to helping students achieve a possible profession toward a career in special education. He has long started an online celebrity yard sale. Lance has also founded the Lance Bass Foundation in 2001 to help giving poor children a proper health care.

Alice Keys

The gorgeous woman Alicia Keys, besides supporting UNICEF, Shriners Hospitals for Children, and Oxfam, she is the ambassador for Keep A Child Alive as well as travelling to Africa to help kids and teenagers who have lost their parents to AIDS.

Matthew McConaughey

The Film Producer, Actor, Voice acting and Film Director is an important figure in institutions like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Children’s Defense Fund, and the Mississippi Animal Rescue League. He is the founder of a program called Just keep livin.

There are plenty of volunteer opportunities in India iSpiice offer visit us here at https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

How volunteering in India for the poor changes your life ?

Whenever we talk about volunteering, it is common to think of the heroism it is to help the poor and taking care of the sick people in hospitals, or maybe by helping children without a home.

BUT, we rarely give that same emphasis on the changes it makes to who we are during the course of the volunteering period.

If you do ask a volunteer “Why are you doing this?”, You rarely get an answer that doesn’t include the effects it has on the person’s way of seeing the world. If you’re not sold on this, here are some examples of what volunteering in India may do to you and affect your way of looking at things.

A new perspective.

Let’s take volunteering in helping the poor. If you have a medium-sized salary, a home, went to school when you were a kid, have your things and your passion… You don’t know what is like having a six years old son that can’t go to school or does not have a single toy.

Now, most of the time, when you volunteer to help people in these conditions, you’ll probably enter with the thought of “There is no way I could help them become more wealthy and have better life conditions.” Truth is, it’s extremely hard to change one’s condition, but you won’t understand the feeling of giving a poor kid some old toys and watch her react with confusion and curiosity, then followed by a burst of energy and happiness.

That old saying that people are poor because they refuse to work or they use drugs because it is their fault; these kinds of thoughts and one-sided look at things will vanish when you hear thousands of stories of how families got into the hole they currently are, and chances are you’ll sympathize with almost everyone of them.

Money is not the only resource.

Volunteering is not necessarily working for free. You are free to walk away if you want, but you are getting paid, just not on the conventional money.

When volunteering, you are getting valuable resources that the modern capitalism has put behind money in a matter of importance. You’ll be paid in long-lasting friendships, smiles, people that are grateful to you, stories and people that are willing to listen to you just as much as you were willing to listen to them.

Volunteering is not a win-loss situation; it is a win-win where both sides help each other with the resources they can give.

Being a volunteer makes you realize how many people you had in your life that were selfish and didn’t care about things like these. Because of that realization, you’ll feel much better as a person.
“Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.” – Camille Pissarro

Coming back.

When helping poor kids, and working for charitable foundations, sometimes you’ll want to come back after some time has passed to see how everything is going on.

People who experienced this once will tell you that there is nothing compared to returning to a poor family you’ve helped and seeing that they are doing much better than when you left them.

You’ll see the new things they bought, the new jobs they were able to conquer, kids are going to school, walls are painted, windows are fixed, and there is no better feeling when volunteering than seeing you’ve helped build that peace.

Makes you more grateful for what you have.

“Let me encourage you to get up every day and focus on what you do have in life. Be thankful for the blessings of the little things, even when you don’t get what you expect” – Victoria Osteen

When you leave your house to enter another much simpler than yours, with simpler, humble people, you start to think about the things you have that facilitate a lot your life.

Volunteering will help with daily stress and anxiety and you’ll feel much more relaxed when you start to thank life for what you got that day, even if it wasn’t optimal.

You’ll also start actually wishing good things to strangers you’ve met during one day, and you’ll feel good about it.

Helps you accept who you are – your flaws and qualities. “You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.”?

Amy Bloom

When you meet new people in these conditions and start helping them, you’ll start forgiving your past and accepting who you are.

People will be grateful, show love, kids will hug you when they see you and your family and friends will tell you what a hero you are.

You’re not a hero; you’re just planting your seed in the world and seeing it grow into a better one. This is what volunteering will do for your life, and others’.

Things you need to know while volunteering abroad

Things you need to know while volunteering abroad

Volunteering abroad can be a great experience for you.  It can give you not only friendship but also education for the rest of your life.

You may be volunteering for a program of your college or you may be volunteering just because you like it, it can be a memorable experience for you.

Here we will discuss about the things you need to know while volunteering abroad.

Read thoroughly your online briefing

You must be aware of the fact that volunteer program varies from person to person.

This is because a volunteer program that works for you may not necessarily work for another person.

For instance if cold and rainy weather does not suits you then winters time in Europe is not your cup of tea.

Try to learn some of the host language and pack a book

If you are going in a country and do not know the local language spoken there can be a big loss for you.

If you are unable to communicate with even the basic of daily life it can be very frustrating for you.

You should prevent this situation and spend time in learning the language before you go for your volunteering.

You can also carry a smart phone so that you can access some of the apps for verbal translations.

You can also make use of the Word Lens app which can change the foreign text in the text of your local language text.

This app would help you when you do your shopping abroad.

Pack light baggage

You should ensure that you should pack light baggage which can also save you money.

You should pack your basic things like socks, underwear, vest but you should also pack the clothes which you had bought at cheaper prices for volunteering.

Try to get information about the local medical system

This is very important especially if you are a woman. It is quite obvious that you would not like yourself to land in a medical emergency where you do not have any clue about making an appointment or paying for your doctor.

Even if you are able to learn about finding the prescriptions and buying some basic medicines it will be beneficial for you.

Everyone is not your friend

As a young and talented foreign volunteer there will be locals who will try to conspire against you.

Moreover there are some people who make their living by making fool of travelers from other country.

You should be alert and vigilant whether you meet with people on the street or when you meet people who are known to your friends.

You should also understand that you will not face this problem in rural areas but the things can be very different in big cities where there are good numbers of tourists.

You should not have inhibitions about talking to people

Well you should understand that if there are bad people then there would also be friendly and good people in the same area.

You will find some good local people who would just like to tell you about the famous historical building or the main food about their place.

It is a fact that people always want to talk about something about their favorite thing and when you are in a new place you would always like to meet them.   You should try to interact with people and ask as many questions as you can.

Carry a good camera

You should always carry a good quality camera as there will be many places and people that you will like to capture.

This would perhaps be a great opportunity for you. You should try to take some shots with your camera before taking it with you for volunteering.

Carry good quality shoes

The fact is no matter wherever you go for your volunteering you would be required to walk a lot.  You should try to get yourself good comfortable walking shoes and you should wear them before going for your trip.

Carry extra money with you

We do not know that what can happen the very next moment. Due to this you should ensure to carry extra cash with you.

You may require medical help or you may miss your flight or you may even be required to stay in a hotel which is above your affordable budget.

Not to mention you might miss your flight.  Due to this you should try to maintain an emergency fund and it’s not necessary that you will require this money abroad. May be you can use this money when you return home.

These are some of the things you need to know while volunteering abroad. If you are able to keep a track of all these things you can expect a comfortable and useful trip abroad.

Once you know the basics of particular country things become easy for you.

Why volunteering helps you?

Giving something to others out of genuine generosity can be extremely fulfilling. In particular, volunteering will not only make you grow as a person, but it will also help you evolve, change, and re-discover your own value after you go through a personal crisis.

The act of volunteering will give you many benefits. Seeing how you can improve someone else’s life with your efforts will make you consider your own worth as a person and it will make you see that you can make other people happy.

Community work, in particular, can give you a sense of fellowship and pride as you enrich your own neighborhood, town, or city, and provide you with a great opportunity for social interaction.

The benefits of volunteering.

A volunteering project can have a positive impact on you, your loved ones, and your community. If you find the right work for it will help you reduce stress, combat stress, find friends, learn new professional skills, reach out to different communities, advance in your career, and even learn new languages and cultures.

Most experts also recommend volunteering as a way to overcome an attachment trauma, the deep feeling of pain that comes after losing someone either because of a breakup, a divorce, or the death of a loved one.

As you offer vital help to people in need and invest your time in worthwhile causes, you will also stay mentally stimulated and gain a sense of purpose for your life.

A research published by the Corporation for National and Community Service (an institution of the federal government) found out that people who volunteer at least 100 hours a year (which equals 2 hours a week) live longer and have better physical and mental health than those who don’t.

The happiness effect of volunteering.

Many studies have demonstrated that acts of kindness rewards happiness. Researchers at the London School of Economics reviewed the relationship between happiness and volunteering in a group of American adults and found groundbreaking results.

According to a study in Social Science and Medicine, people who volunteer monthly have 7% better possibilities of been happier than people who have never volunteered, and those who volunteer two times per week have 12% better odds of living a very happy life. Furthermore, 16% of the weekly volunteers said they felt “very happy.”

Reasons why volunteering makes you happy.

There are four main reasons why volunteering will make you feel happier and healthier: it connects you to others; it gives you peace of mind; it advances tour career, and it gives you a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

As you connect to a community and your coworkers and make a difference in the lives of people you will also establish new friends and contacts.

In fact, volunteering is a great way to meet new people especially if you are new to an area or often feel lonely. It will also help you develop social skills if you happen to have a hard time around people.

It will give you peace of mind because it combats the effects of anger, depression, anxiety, and stress.

A social contact can have a profound effect on your psychological well-being and can help you increase your self-confidence as well of your physical health.

It will advance your career because it gives you an opportunity to use important skills outside of the workplace and make small differences for communities and people in need.

A volunteering venture will always increase the value of your resume, particularly if it involves teamwork, communication, project planning, task management, problem-solving, and organization.

And lastly, volunteering brings fulfillment and fun to your life. It is an easy way to explore passions and interests and it is a good way to find meaningful escapes to your day-to.day routine.

Finding the right volunteer option.

There are numerous volunteer projects available. The right one for you should fit your professional skills, should help you work on yourself and should be in tune with your values and beliefs.

Before committing to a cause you should decide a couple of things first:

  • Would you work with adults, animals, children, or from home?
  • How much time and money can you invest?
  • What skills can you bring to the table?
  • Would you work alone or on a team?
  • What causes matter to you?

Once you answer these questions you can check volunteer opportunities in your city or town.

Common ones happen in community theaters, monuments, museums, libraries, senior centers, local animal shelters, wildlife centers, rescue organizations, national parks, religious places, and service organizations like iSpiice and Rotary Clubs.

5 Tips to Finding Volunteer Work in India That Helps Your Career.

While finding volunteer work in India may be extremely simple, it is important to find one that not just benefits your well-being as a person, but also benefits you as a professional.

Below is a list of 5 tips that you can adopt when looking for meaningful volunteer work that could boost your expertise and result in a better resume.

1. Determine what you wish to gain from this experience.

Before getting started with any volunteer work, it is important to understand what you wish to gain from the experience.

Are you looking to learn some new skills and have some extensive training? Or perhaps you are just wishing to gain emotional contentment from it?

There exist a lot of kinds of volunteer work and whatever your need may be, at least one category will satisfy it.

In order to avoid ambiguity which may result in you getting involved in a cause that you are not passionate about, it is essential to perform this step with utmost honesty to yourself.

2. What are your contributions to this cause?

What expertise do you bring to the table? Do you own professional skills of a doctor, lawyer or a nurse? Or are you skilled in various other ways?

It is important for you to determine what skills you can offer to the organization and its cause, and then it is your job to make them see it.

Is it perhaps your passion for children that is bringing you towards this field? Search within yourself for the right answers and prepare yourself to show it to the organization too, in order to make yourself stand out from the rest.

3. Do you hold the traits to handle volunteering?

Volunteering is not just any man’s game. It may be thought out to be simple and a task for just a couple of weeks or days, but it requires a lot of traits that some of us may lack.

For instance, only those that are patient and understanding can work in the field of volunteering.

If you find yourself getting easily angry and aggravated at the tiniest of things, then volunteer work is not your slice of cake.

You have to be extremely patient and compassionate towards those that you are helping, not just for your own welfare but also for the others.

4. Define your limits.

It is important to not overdo volunteering. You need to set yourself some boundaries and limits.

Not just yourself, but your organization and team members need to be made aware of them too. If you do not set out limits then volunteer work can completely take over your life, leaving you with no time to do anything else.

It can not only be stressful, but it may also cause a declining performance in your academics if you are a student.

Let the organization know of the amount of time that you have in your hands to give to them, and make it clear that you cannot do any better than that.

For instance, if you are a student or an employee at a firm that makes you work 8 to 6, then let the organization know that you are free only after it, and that too, for a certain amount of hours.

5. Do your research.

Be sure to research on the kind of organization that you want to work for. Know their accomplishments, their causes and their fee, if any.

You have to be sure that none of your time is going to waste and is actually being used for a cause that you are so passionate about.

Find out whether they support your cause and are working towards it. If you are certain that your efforts will not go to waste, then your motivation will increase and you will put in more work, yielding greater results.

6. Get started.

Now that you have determined your criteria and limits, and have chosen an organization of your liking, it is time for you to start working for them.

Submit a good resume, one that forces them to hire you without being able to say no. Do not be afraid of letting your passion for your cause show through during your interview, for it will impress the interviewees.

It will help strengthen their faith in you for the fact that you will perform your best no matter what the circumstances, and will also make you inevitably stand out. If you have previous experience with volunteer work, discuss it.

And if you find a fault with their current system or mechanism, then do not be afraid to point it out. However, do it while still respecting them and their decisions.

Make them see that you are capable of making sound decisions and will be a valuable asset to their organization.

The 3 Voluntarism Benefits You Can Expect to Experience!

Voluntarism gives your travels a greater purpose. If you’re planning a volunteer tourism trip, you need to read this! Learn the voluntarism benefits here!

Voluntarism is getting its groove back.

Voluntarism–the combining of tourism with volunteer opportunities–began as a way for travelers to give back to society, to do good in the world, and also collate new experiences while doing it.

As traveling the world, lolling around on beaches, and partying it up in hotels began to get old, travelers began to thirst for something extra. To experience new cultures, worlds, and people, while giving back to the planet.

If you’re looking for a life-changing travel experience or even just something to fill time during a gap year, volunteering in India could be the answer to your travel dreams.

Many volunteer organizations in India and other countries offer voluntarism programs, where you can visit a country on a low-budget, and help the locals by helping with teaching English, childcare projects, or spreading awareness.
What are some voluntarism benefits?

Voluntarism comes as a welcome change to dull old vacations where you do nothing more exciting than sip cocktails, and shop till you drop. Voluntarism offers you the chance to change lives, make lifelong friends, and make a difference in the world.

Here are some voluntarism benefits you can expect.

A Low-Budget Vacation

Volunteering to help in a country while on a vacation will get you lower or subsidized rates for some services. Foreigners are often charged a much higher price for food, accommodations, and other amenities as compared to locals.

And there’s not a thing you can do!

But if you visit a country as a voluntarism, your accommodation will quite likely be arranged by a local organization, which translates to way lower rates, giving you the opportunity to experience an awesome low-budget holiday.

The Chance To Make a Difference

Most holidays are about self-fulfillment. Packed with luxury, fun, and frivolity, there comes a point when these vacations stop exciting you any longer.

Voluntarism offers an opportunity to selflessly work for the betterment of a poorer nation, all while on holiday! The spiritual and emotional growth opportunities offered by voluntarism are phenomenal!

A Holiday Experience Like None Other.

Just think of the bragging rights! Being able to tell your friends back home that you helped rehabilitate homeless people, or helped bring a baby into the world sure beats telling them that you swam in the ocean, surfed or ate a lobster dinner.

If you’re always looking for newer, edgier experiences, and are bored cookie-cutter vacations, voluntarism is for you! The best part is that you get to truly experience an entirely new culture, and make a difference in the lives of those people.

Voluntarism is an absolute win-win. The host country gets its benefits in the form of help and donations, and it is an exquisitely unique experience for the volunteer.

After all, nothing beats the rush of making a difference in someone’s lives, does it?

Now it’s time to volunteer!

Volunteering and its Different Types !

It is a famous proverb that “God helps those who help themselves”, and this is quite true when we are going to discuss volunteering.

The people who sacrificed their lives for some better cause of society, or in helping the needy remain alive in the hearts of people and their name is written in Golden words in history. Volunteering is also such an activity which can keep a person alive throughout his life and also after his death. It is also an act that will help the doer in the world thereafter.

Different people or groups provide different kind of volunteering services keeping in view the needs and wants of the society. Volunteering can be done part time and also full time. Most of the people do it part time during the days of their freedom from routine activities of life.

Depending on the kinds of services volunteering is divided into following types.

1 – Traditional Volunteering.

It is the most common type of volunteering which has its origin from the past. In this type of volunteering, one works with an NGO without knowing the beneficiaries details.

This type of volunteering may either be short term or may go long. Their duration usually is defined by the duration of the project. If the project is short term, their duration will also be short and if the project is long term their duration will be long. It’s called traditional because of its origin from the past. Even in the old days, people used to help each other by volunteering.

2 – Internship Volunteering.

This type of volunteering is usually served by the students during their period of gaps in the studies. These are also called gap time volunteering because of their being done in spare time.

Students take much interest in volunteering to gain experience and to test the application of their studies practically. These types of volunteering are served in some special services that are related to the courses of study.

For example, a student studying medicines will do this volunteering service in some hospital or maternity home. This will give him much experience and knowledge of the field. The students with such volunteering will surely excel than all other students because of this volunteering. His level of confidence and perception will be much higher than others.

3 – Online Volunteering.

Another very good type of volunteering is online volunteering which is carried out through internet. These are one of the latest volunteering services because these were introduced after the invention of internet.

The invention of World Wide Web has bridged the gaps between all the peoples across the world. Now it is possible to carry out an online volunteering service by sitting in your home or office. This type of volunteering service includes writing, proof reading, making a website and many others without demanding the cash.

These types of services are also offered by high qualified professionals to earn fame. This experience of online volunteering, later on, helps them for doing proper online jobs on some platform and earn handsome amount.

4 – Micro Volunteering.

As the name suggests, this type of volunteering involves working on small projects. It is actually a sub category of online volunteering which involves micro projects. These projects may include online lickings, and clicking and many more. Sometimes, these small actions make very big impacts.

5 – Long Term Volunteering.

Long term volunteering means the volunteering services that continue for long time. These may include any type of volunteering going for long period. These are performed, usually, by the retired people or by the people who are absolutely free and want to do full time volunteering.

These are mostly related with educational and medical fields. Another volunteering that is also included in this category is that related with social lives of the people.

6 – Voluntourism.

This type of volunteering involves tours to different areas or regions for the purpose of helping the community. It is actually a combination of tourism and volunteering.

It teaches a lot more than other types because you get an opportunity to live with the people of that particular area and see their lives closely and help them. This increases your knowledge of the world.

7 – Project Volunteering.

It is another kind of volunteering that is related with a particular project. It automatically ends with the end of the project. For example, during the earthquakes, many volunteers offer themselves to organizations to help the distracted people.

This type of volunteering will only last until the rescue continues. When all the rescue activities are completed, the volunteering closes.

In the end, we can say that volunteering, in all its forms and types, is good for the sake of humanity and should, therefore, be encouraged.

10 reasons you should volunteer in India!

You have heard of volunteering in India and its impact on not just the society but oneself to, and wish to partake in it. But, you cannot find enough motivation to do so. Here is a list of reasons why you should volunteer, that will not only provide motivation but will also create a passion out of it.

1. It’s good for your physical and mental health.

Volunteering does not just impact those that you help, but you are also unknowingly helping yourself. It reduces stress, studies claiming that when your focus is placed on someone else and see the living conditions of those unfortunate, your problems seem tiny to you in comparison and you start to feel better towards them. It also improves physical health by making you do everyday tasks by yourself, like walking from one place to another or setting up your own tent. This provides you’re the body the daily dose of workout that it needs.

2. Boosts your career prospects.

To put it simply, if an employer sees on your resume that you were involved in some volunteering program, then it makes you a good candidate in their eyes. It doesn’t just make you look more creative in the eyes of the recruiter, but it also helps them realize that you have a wider experience and set of skills than the usual applicants.

3. Addition of new skills to your existing skill-set.

When volunteering, you are made to adjust to the changes and environment that you are given. This, in the eyes of a recruiter, makes you a better candidate because it will be easy for you to adjust in their organization. After volunteering, you are also better at handling sudden problems and dealing with different kinds of people with various personalities. Volunteering makes you a people-person.

4. Provides you with an experience in the real world.

As kids we would always hear that we haven’t figured life out until we’ve had an experience out in the real world. Volunteering provides you with just that. Get out in the world volunteering, find what matters and what doesn’t, learn to deal with everyday problems and find out how the world works.

5. Let’s you make a difference.

Volunteering is a way for you to express the visions that you have for the world, and helps you play your part in making it happen. The world may not be at its best right now, but whatever good the people and animals do have right now is because of the generosity of those willing to take time out of their busy schedules to help. It may not be seen as too much to you, but it could change the entire life of someone else.

6. Let’s you give back.

Volunteering is not about something that is mandatory or should be done to make your college application or resume look good. No, volunteering is about doing something that you’re passionate about and giving back to that cause. Find your passions, find out what it is you’d like to see changed in the world today and get to volunteering to work on it. The more passionate you are about a cause, the more committed you are, and the greater impact your efforts will yield.

7. Helps you travel with responsibility.

Traveling overseas to volunteer gives you purpose, and means that you are traveling for a cause and will be fulfilling responsibilities and duties. Volunteering abroad means that you are most likely traveling by your own, without the company of friends and family. This teaches you to also live responsibly by yourself.

8. Helps you form new friendships.

Volunteering from an organization itself means that many other people will be partaking in the same journey as you. People of different cultures get together for the same cause, and this helps you interact with them. Having a reliability in terms of wanting to give back will help you form better connections.

9. Gives you a sense of belonging to a community.

One of the main reasons why most choose to volunteer is to feel as though they are a part of the community that they are helping. This helps you understand the norms and cultures of the community, while also understanding their daily struggles. Provided it is done with a motivational and passionate attitude, your volunteering experience will be pleasant and memorable.

10. Gives you a whole new perspective towards life.

Volunteering helps you realize that there are so many other things in life to be happy about. Seeing how much more privileged you are compared to those that you are helping, you will automatically feel a change in your perspective towards life and even start to believe in the phrase that ‘less is more’. It will let you think of things in a 360 degree manner, and will let you make better decisions and prioritize them better.

Contact iSpiice for more information : info@ispiice.com or visit us at www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

When it comes to the topic of volunteering, one question often arises – ‘what is in it for me?’ While volunteering does mainly focus on helping the unfortunate, it has many benefits for the one volunteering too. It does not only help those that are being aided, but it also helps the one doing the act. And here’s a list of the ways in which it help do so:

1. Induces happiness.

According to a study conducted on two groups of people – one who volunteered and one who didn’t – it was found that those who had volunteered had left with happy feelings. Helping others makes one feel better about themselves and their contribution to the world. It combats problems like depression, and provides a sense of purpose in one’s life. When a simple act of just opening the door for someone out of the kindness of you heart can make your day, imagine what volunteering would do for you.

2. Forms connections.

When you volunteer, you do so through an organization, and obviously, you aren’t the only one looking to embark on a mission to help others. Sharing a common goal with others is known to form better understandings between people, resulting in friendships. Meeting with people from a diverse culture can also improve your social skills. It helps you better adjust in any given situation, and makes you realize that there are others that you can rely on for your own help.

3. Teaches you to be grateful.

If you are out there volunteering, then obviously you were lucky enough to receive the privileges that others didn’t. Realizing the living conditions of the unfortunate can help you feel better about yours. Often one forgets how grateful they are to have received something as simple as drinkable water. What we consider a norm is a luxury for those that you volunteer for. It is important to remind yourself of how lucky you are to be living the life you are – it helps feeling better about yourself and your life in general.

4. Helps you stay physically active.

While this may seem to be a bit far fetched, studies have proven it to be true. Believe it or not, volunteering helps you stay physically healthy. Studies have found that those who volunteer have a longer mortality rate. This is because volunteers get used to living without the simple luxuries of life like cars. Walking long distances is the norm for them, and they are able to complete their everyday tasks by themselves.

5. Increases self-confidence.

Living with others who are also serving the same purpose of you provides you with a sense of belonging. It helps you identify with a type of people and makes you realize that you are not alone. Helping others increases your sense of accomplishment, not just for yourself, but for the world as a whole, leading to increased levels of self-confidence.

6. Helps you gain career experience.

Volunteering gives you the chance to gain experience in a different field. Time that is spent is not wasted, instead, it is utilized in making a difference to the world, which most of us forget to do, busy in our daily lives. While doing so, it can also expose you to various other organizations whose internships or jobs could serve to be purposeful to your career.

7. Teaches precious and useful job skills.

While volunteering may not bring anything to your bank account, it brings a lot of valuable job skills to oneself. If the right kind of volunteering is chosen, you learn a lot of extensive skills, which could be particularly useful for your field of work. For instance, if you are in the field of HRM, volunteering can help you with better serving your peers and employees.

8. Helps you enjoy life.

For the simple fact that volunteering programs abroad introduce you to the experience of a new culture and society, they are extremely fun to be involved with. Volunteering will not only leave you with precious happy memories, but it also a way of escaping your daily duties and relaxing. If you are one of those that have a desk job, then volunteering is a great way for you to get out of the four walls and out into the world.

9. Let’s you take on a challenge.

Volunteer programs are generally held in areas that have poor living conditions. Taking on a volunteer program helps you take on the challenge of being useful and happy outside of your comfort zone. While uncovering your hidden talents, it also teaches you many more that you were unaware of. Be it a personal goal that you wish to achieve or to just the needy, volunteering will let you take on a challenge in a fun and healthy way.

10 Benefits to Becoming an English Teacher to Teach Abroad!

Benefits to Becoming an English Teacher to Teach Abroad

Imagine being able to help others and yourself at the same time! You can when you’re an English teacher abroad. Learn the benefits here!

Traveling is one of the most rewarding things any young person can do. Getting out and seeing the world is part of growing up.

Unfortunately, most people never get to travel because of time and money issues. Work and college become priorities while seeing the world falls by the wayside.

However, those interested in traveling abroad could take advantage of English teacher programs.

Essentially, you go to another country to teach the local population English. It’s a great opportunity to not only see the world but also make a difference.

These programs never get enough publicity, and so most people don’t know what they’re all about.

We’re here to change that. Get ready for our list of the ten benefits to becoming an English teacher abroad.

You’re Paid to Travel

Clearly, this is the obvious answer. Getting paid to travel around a foreign country is always an exciting prospect.

You won’t have to work seven days a week, meaning you will have time to travel around your host country and the surrounding countries.

Remember, most countries aren’t as large as the U.S., making varied travel plans much easier overseas.

It Looks Great on College Applications

Those of you taking a gap year would do well to boost up those college application credentials.

If there’s one thing both undergrad and grad schools love to see, it’s a well-rounded person

Traveling abroad shows that you’re resourceful, bold, cultured, and unafraid of the unknown. All things that come in handy in academia.

…And Great on Your Resume

If you’ve already graduated college, or are already thinking about job applications, English teacher programs make excellent resume content.

Much like colleges, employers want to see candidates who have real world experience.

Teaching abroad shows you’re able to adapt to any situation.

Learning a Foreign Language

Teaching English abroad invariably means you’ll need to learn the local language. Though difficult, it’ll end up extremely rewarding.

With the world becoming ever more connected, being bilingual will help across many areas of your life.

You Make a Difference as an English Teacher

Teaching the local population English, especially in impoverished areas, is a great way to make a difference in the world.

English is the language of global trade, and teaching young children to speak it will give them a serious boost in life.

Meeting New People

Traveling always involves meeting new people. There is an almost 100 percent chance you’ll leave your teaching position will many new friends.

Becoming an English teacher abroad gives you instant access to new people from new places.

Learning New Cultures

Along with meeting new people comes learning new cultures. Teaching the locals will undoubtedly give you insight into their culture.

In fact, we’d dare say learning the culture is crucial to your success teaching abroad.

The Job Market is Strong

There’s no shortage of people abroad that are trying to learn English. The job market is very much booming.

In 2015, there were approximately 1.7 billion people learning and using English worldwide. Finding work shouldn’t pose much difficulty.

You’ll Have Experience You Won’t Forget

Traveling the world while making a difference in people’s lives is something you won’t soon forget.

The memories and friends you make will last a lifetime.


Last but not least, becoming an English teacher overseas is FUN. There’s nothing quite like learning another culture and seeing the world.

Teaching English abroad is one of the most fun, rewarding, and challenging experiences you’ll ever have.

If you’re looking for a way to travel during your gap year, this is it! Get involved with a program and get traveling!

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