Welcome to Volunteering in India.

Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

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How volunteering in India will help you shape your life positively?

At least once in your lifetime, you should engage in a selfless activity where you work for the sake of helping others, especially the less privileged in society. This is what volunteering is all about. Although people argue that volunteering should not be motivated by personal gain, it should be stressed that the kind of gains being referred to here are purely monetary. Volunteering should lead to a better person, help in personal developing and inculcating values which perhaps no other activity can. It should lead to skill development, promotion of human values and sharpening social skills. All these are personal gains, geared towards making an individual a better person.

There are so many volunteering opportunities abroad, you can opt to work in children’s homes, help the aged, teach or offer other services in areas where your skills may be needed. When you volunteer abroad, you get a chance to travel and learn more about other countries and their people. This is a rare opportunity to travel abroad and see what lies beyond your borders. India is one of the countries where volunteers are welcomed. It is a peaceful country, with lovely and welcoming people. The country is vast, giving visitors an opportunity to choose a location in any part. To get started, you need to learn about the volunteer programs in India, choose one that fits your interests and qualifications, and then engage a volunteer organization in India.

Before you travel, you need to familiarize yourself with the country, its people and culture, this will help you avoid culture shock, something that may make living in a foreign country and culture a nightmare.

You will definitely experience a new culture, something different from what you have been used to. You will find people doing things differently from what is done in your country. The best way to overcome this is to expect it, with that you will not be surprised.

You also need to learn from the onset that people are different; they have different cultures and ways of doing things. If you respect that you will have a good time volunteering in India or any other part of the world. When you find people’s ways of life different from yours, respect it and appreciate it, you will not have a hard time fitting in. The locals understand that you are new to their ways of life so they will not force you into it, they will give you time to adapt. If you do this without an attitude or looking down upon other people’s culture, you will adapt quickly.

The fact that you have chosen to  volunteer in India, means that you are ready for a new experience. It is an experience that will enrich your skills, by the time you are  through with the volunteer  program, a totally new person will  have been born. You will not look at  things through the same lenses;  you will have learnt to embrace diversity, sharpened your social skills and also added an immense wealth of knowledge in your field of study or line of work. It will also be a chance to travel abroad, take a break from a long study season. It will be a period to relax but this time doing what you like, helping others in society. You will not only feel good but also become a better person, somebody who appreciates others, somebody who also appreciates what he or she has in life. It will be an eye-opening tour, one that will teach you about the rest of the world, the people in these countries and the challenges they meet in their day to day lives. It will be a period of personal development, where you learn to love better, appreciate others and above all respect all regardless of their situation in life. Volunteering may be a selfless activity, but it will help you gain a lot in life.

Volunteering is normally considered a selfless activity wherein an individual chooses to work for an organisation with no motive of personal gains. It is widely known for skill development and is often intended towards promoting goodness and improving human quality of life.

Teaching is one of the most noble professions known to human kind, and praises be showered upon those who choose to volunteer and teach for a cause. There are many non-profit organisations which have devoted themselves to educating children and improving their language skills.

English is considered India’s 2nd language and is widely spoken across the country, however quality of spoken English is not very high especially in many public schools. Written English is another domain where there is considerable room for improvement.

If you feel you will be able to make a difference and teach the children simple spoken and written English, volunteer now and start making that difference. Although by volunteering you may have negligible or no monetary gains, the satisfaction derived from teaching and knowing that you are making an improvement in their quality of life, is a major step to knowing yourself.

Volunteering to teach English will not only benefit the students but also lead to immense skill development for both the teacher and student. It will lead to better career prospects for the teacher, as it will add to your CV.

If you are looking to volunteer teaching in India, you must ask yourself why you want to join the organisation. You could be motivated by one of the factors mentioned here, or have your own motives, whatever the reason know that you will be volunteering for a noble and important task of reaching out to children and the community at large.

Teaching English is no mean task and requires in-depth knowledge of the subject. Moreover, you will be addressing an audience who in all probability do not know much about the subject, and will have to start with basics.

Do plenty of research before you join an organisation, and don’t test the waters with both feet. Before you get your feet wet, ask yourself if the organisation is right for you. Attend as many training sessions as possible and broaden your skill-set which will help you get a job in future.

If you are looking to improve on a skill set, say written English, discuss this with management and let them know of your position, and your motives. Ask them to fit you in an area where it will benefit both you and the organisation.

Volunteer organisations sometimes have less than pleasant environments, crass fellow workers, slow times and bad management. All these factors might lead a person to give up and give up their employment with the organisation.

Volunteers are requested not to give up and patiently work with the organisation. They should get help whenever required and seize opportunities to work with the organisation.

If you are working elsewhere and want to join an organisation for volunteer work, start off with a few hours of work. As you progress with the organisation and feel you are ready to take on more tasks, gradually increase the number of hours working with the organisation.

India is filled with many opportunities for both national and international volunteers while at the same time giving them a chance to experience the Indian culture and make a difference. iSpiice is one such organization dedicated to sending all interested candidates to avail the volunteering opportunities in India.

Why Volunteer In India

Despite a huge growth in the economic conditions of India, most of the country’s population is still impoverished and requires the basic necessities for survival. 70% of India’s population does not have good access to clean water and housing. With this also comes the severe challenge of public health and other issues such as small business development, education, and women’s rights. Volunteering in India will give you an opportunity to work with these underprivileged populations so that they can get access to quality healthcare, infrastructure, human rights, as well as better education.

You can go to the metropolitan areas or even the rural areas for the many volunteering opportunities that are available through iSpiice. This way, you can help in contributing towards the overall development of the country as well as help the people in need in as many ways as possible.

What Volunteering In India Is Like

Volunteering in India is not all about work. In fact, you will get acquainted with a culture like no other while you volunteer there. There are so many different people that you will get a chance to meet during your time there, and at the same time, you will likely be travelling around and seeing the various and beautiful sites of India. There is absolutely nothing that will bore you about the country, and in fact, you will be very pleased with your overall experience there.

There will also most likely be other volunteers whom you can bond and share your experiences with and then become friends with for a long time. You can also consider traveling with these volunteers.

What The Volunteer Organizations In India Can Do For You

Volunteer organizations such as iSpiice offer plenty of volunteer programs such as street children projects, childcare projects, IT teaching programs, and teaching English projects. You can choose from these based on your own interests and likes. Once you are in India, you can travel around the country in your free time. Additionally, during your time there, the organization will make sure that your basic necessities such as food and transportation are well taken care of.

Volunteer organizations in India are dedicated to making sure that all those interested in volunteering find the right volunteering opportunities for themselves so that they can strive to make a difference and leave an example for the rest of the world to follow. A great change can only happen by taking the first step.

Voluntarism in India

Visiting India is an experience in itself. It is often a preferred destination for the backpackers and for the volunteers.

Several factors collectively make India a tourist-visiting site. Diverse cultures, spiritual ambiance, colorful rituals, enthralling landscapes, spices, cuisines, dances, hospitality and lifestyles of the locals are few of the features that are captivating enough to attract tourists.

Annually, thousands of people pay visit to this country. In India reside people of various sects, religions, and languages who themselves have much to lure any foreigner visitor.

These are the things that you are likely to be exposed to, during your visit to India, but what is beyond that?

Is India a sophisticated and peaceful land for you to visit and stay? There are two dimensions to every story. Likewise, despite its IT progression, the advancing Indian state has several socio-economic, political and regional issues too.

How to Know the ‘In-Depth’ Reality?

Engaging in some Indian voluntary program is one of the best ways of knowing the country closely. It provides you the opportunity to know the local people, especially the underprivileged ones.

A volunteer travel serves your both purposes, the touring purpose as well as the volunteering goal. During your volunteer travel, you get to know people from the backward areas.

This helps you to envision your volunteering strategies and devise planning for the fulfillment of their needs.

You serve as a building block to a developing area. As a volunteer, you get to know people, their stories, their desires, their backgrounds and several other aspects, which you would otherwise have failed to explore as a tourist only.

How is a Volunteer Travel Different from a Common Tour?

Being a volunteer in India, you get the chance of interacting with the local people, learn different languages, see the different cultural practices, the heritage, the history, and enjoy the homemade delicacies.

These are only few of the perks of the volunteer trip to India. During ‘voluntourism’, you get to be a part of the ‘Indian Lifestyle’. Being with the local people, you develop their taste and style.

What Do The Indian Volunteering Programs Offer You?

There are several volunteering projects and programs that you can enroll in. Every project and program tends to be of a different nature.

Thus, the expertise required to be a good fit in a particular program can be different. However, all the volunteering programs in India offer the volunteers these set of things:

  • They make people generally aware about the appalling conditions of India.
  • They immerse people in different traditions and cultures.
  • During the volunteer travel, the programs offer you the best of travel excursions.
  • They provide you the opportunity to know different people and to establish bond with them.

Volunteer work in India is a great opportunity that the backpackers and gap year travelers have been availing for long.

Once you get involved in some voluntary work, you realize that volunteering in India is not just about travelling abroad; rather, it is something peculiar, something special.

If you are inspired enough with this information, then plan a voluntarism in India with iSpiice. They can make your trip more exciting and more rewarding.

Voluntourism’ has emerged as an exciting and popular way to travel. While a lot of people are doing a lot of good around the world, there are those who want to take advantage of this trend and scam people in the name of donations. Establishing fake orphanages and tricking tourists into funding them has become common these days. If you are planning to visit India and volunteer here, you should know how to spot a scam and how to identify a legitimate volunteer program.

So, what are the deciding factors in this regard? Read the details and find out.

Cultural Differences and Context of the Term- ‘Orphanage’

Different cultures comprehend the term ‘orphanage’ differently, that is to say, that an orphanage does not necessarily enrolls children without family or parents. In order to give their children easy access to a quality living, people in the rural areas often send their children to orphanages.

Mentally and physically challenged children, incapable of taking care of themselves, are often part of these orphanages. Enrolling underprivileged children into these orphanages by no means is a wrong practice. But, a few organizations pay the families to give up their children to them. They use these children to ask for donations, and end up keeping most of the gathered funds for themselves.

Since you are travelling to India and you will most probably be working with an organization here, you would want to know about the legitimacy of the business you are getting involved in. You can start by reading online reviews and reading about the volunteering programs being arranged by the organization.

A well-run orphanage demonstrates commitment and informs the volunteers about their duties at the very beginning. Moreover, they have a system in place to feed and protect the children.

One of the other ways to identify a scam orphanage is to look for the priorities that it has for the development of children. A good organization would define your roles and outline the expectations that it has from you.

Signs of a Scam Volunteer Program
  1. The organization is not transparent in its finances: If you visit an orphanage and they ask you for money, without telling you where and how it will be used, you should be alarmed. A not-for-profit organization should be transparent about its spending. If they are hesitant to show you their financial reports, you should neither work with them nor make any donations to them.
  2. The organization is open for every tourist petitioners: Unplanned enrollments, requiring no paper work or document submission is a great sign of a fake NGO.

Fake volunteer programs are unfortunately rampant in different parts of the world and India is no exception. As a volunteer worker, you want to make all the difference you can, and for that to happen, you need to work with the right people so that your efforts do not go in vain. So the next time you plan to enroll in some voluntary project in India, make sure you keep an eye on all these aspects. To avoid such problems, enroll in a trusted program, such as iSpiice.

Humanitarian Mission in India ? Volunteer in India 2024.

Humanitarian Mission in India with iSpiice (Integrated Social Programs in Indian Child Education) is a volunteering organization that offers important global volunteering opportunities in India. While fulfilling the volunteering needs for the community development, you get the opportunity to experience the rich Indian culture. Projects that address the societal issues are the prime focus of the organization. The collaborative efforts pay off by slashing the poverty, criminal, illiteracy and social issues in various parts of the country. No matter from which age group you are, you can always find your placement in the Indian voluntary projects. iSpiice makes it possible for you. Get the valuable experience as a volunteer in any of the projects, which suit your interest and are in line with your competency. Students, professionals, locals and foreigners, all are welcome to apply at iSpiice.


Humanitarian Mission in India why to register with iSpiice in 2024?

iSpiice offers first-rated service to its clients. With professional expertise, they comprehensively discuss your skills, your area of interest, their ongoing projects, and provide all the details that you need to know to engage in volunteering work.

iSpiice works with the aim of serving humanity, which encompasses all the methods that could alleviate societal issues and raise the standard of living of the deprived people specifically.

What Activities do the iSpiice engage in for the Achievement of the Humanitarian Mission?

Work as a Teacher – Volunteer in India.

Teach for India. As a volunteer teacher, you can work as a helper with the local teachers, assist them with classroom management tasks, and contribute in promoting gender equality and improvising the teaching tactics and assessments. In addition to teaching science, mathematics, general studies and music, you can also take up a role as an English conversational teacher.

Extend Child Care Services while Volunteering in India.

Love, care, and attention are the much-needed services that the needy kids are deprived of. By working with iSpiice, you can lend a supportive hand to the kids, who are short on resources. Playing games, serving them meals, and teaching them are few of the services that you can render to them.

Encourage Computer Literacy.

Computer education often begins from the very basics. iSpiice reaches out to the rural villages and help them in socio-economic advancement through technological education. Libraries and technology resource centers pave ways of economic prosperity for the local people.

With iSpiice lies great opportunity for the medical students to begin their internships. Being volunteers, they can get the desired medical experience to polish their skills and advance in their career. They get to work closely with the medical practitioners to offer them a handful of valuable working experience.

The volunteers working with the iSpiice feel secured. iSpiice gives high importance to the security of each of the volunteers, from the beginning of the project to its completion. It is a team of committed professionals who believes in being different in their services.

The iSpiice team trains and guides you useful ideas and measures that can make you to work to the best of your capacity as a volunteer. With them, you feel motivated and rewarded for your services. If the services and details have inspired you much, then hurry up to consult iSpiice to get the best volunteering deal!

for more information : https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

As my group of college peers and I prepared for our volunteer trip to India, one primary concern we discussed was our lack of knowledge about teaching. I was an education major, but still felt unsure about how the volunteer work would be structured. However, our fears were quickly relieved upon meeting Varun and the iSpiice staff. They explained the expectations to teach the students basic conversational and written English. Working together, we quickly developed games and activities we could use. iSpiice had a
variety of resources and books to help us. Varun was always willing to teach us some basic phrases in the local language so that we could start our classes ensuring students understood the new English vocabulary accurately.

We would volunteer in the morning, and then return to the iSpiice headquarters for lunch and an afternoon break. This gave us time to discuss different ideas and get materials ready for the next day of class. Often, our group would send two teachers to each class, allowing for a great opportunity to collaborate and share ideas. After the first few days, we found ourselves establishing routines for our classes. For example, I picked high frequency words for my students to study and then gave them spelling tests. We would discuss the spelling patterns in these words and play games with the words. The students loved games like “Hangman” to practice their spelling! With older students, we introduced more complicated English concepts, such as basic parts of speech and subject-verb agreement. These lessons helped students excel in reading, writing, listening to, and speaking the English language.

While we were at first hesitant about our abilities to prepare for teaching children in a foreign country, we quickly experienced success and progress, and were delighted to return to class each day!

Visit our website www.volunteerindiaispiice.com or Volunteer Programs in India in your Gap Year in India

Sadly St Thomas University’s time volunteering in India with iSpiice (Integrated Social Programs in Indian Child Education) has come to an end. For the fifth year in a row, the University Eco travel group named VISION joined us in Dharamsala, the Himalayas, Delhi and Agra. The 9 students (from majors varying in art history, communications, science and medicine) along with their English Professor settled into the peaceful rural life of our village quickly.

Every morning 4 students took the scenic route to a nearby high school, blasting Hindi tunes as they passed local villages, wheat fields and locals going about their day. At School Claire and Sam taught back to back Computer classes focusing on PowerPoint, Excel, Word and typing skills. Whilst Emily H and Emily J taught English grammar classes.

With Child Care being a focus for iSpiice Emily K, Connor, Shane, Michelle, Dalton and Ciara took charge at 3 nearby Child Care Centres. Daily games, songs and simple English language lessons brought huge smiles to the faces of these children from low income families.

In the early afternoons half the group sang songs as they repainted a run down Child Care Centre whilst the other half completed some much needed cleaning and disinfecting of a number of Child Care Centres. With iSpiice currently supporting 21 local Child Care Centres the maintenance assistance was greatly beneficial to iSpiice and the community.

Three Private Tuition groups were held in the homes of local families to Teach English to students aged 9-16. Day by day the students capabilities improved and many bonds were formed between the students and the volunteers. The families of the students showed their appreciation of the volunteers by offering them Indian sweets and Chai.

Furthermore, two English classes were held at the slum every evening – enthusiastic children of the slum learned colours, shapes, body parts and simple English greetings and manners. Everyday the families of the children crowded around the classes held within the slum, showing support, interest and thanks.

On behalf of the iSpiice team and community, we give a very special thanks to VISION and St Thomas University for joining us again. It has been a pleasure for all of us getting to know the group and seeing their dedication, passion and compassion. Thank you for all your support.

By Varun Verma, iSpiice Founding Director, February 2013

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