The Biggest Contribution of gap year India to Humanity.
The Biggest Contribution of gap year India to Humanity.

Thousands of students decide to spend their gap year volunteering in India, and it’s a fantastic way to make use of your spare time. Traveling the world will help you to gain a better perspective on different cultures, and you might even make some new friends along the way. The Indian people are vibrant, kind, and cheerful in the face of adversity, and your contribution could help them in many different ways. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the ways in which you could assist some of the most impoverished people in the world and contribute to humanity.
Teaching the English language.
Women and children who live in the slums of India rarely get access to education. That means those people struggle to raise their families out of poverty and improve their lives. English is the language of business, and it’s the most widely-spoken dialect in the world. If all people living in India could learn to speak English; their earning potential and prospects would improve. So, you might like to spend time volunteering in India at local schools or education centers. There are lots of volunteering organisations in India that focus their efforts on that task, and so you just need to get in touch with a reputable company.
Assisting with construction and renovation projects.
The Indian government does not release any funds for construction and renovation work in some of the most deprived areas. That means people live in run-down buildings and children have to learn in schools that could crumble at any point. By offering your labor, it’s possible that you could have a real impact on the lives of local people. By renovating buildings; you could provide those living in slums with somewhere safe and clean to complete school work and increase their education. You might also save some lives by renovating medical centers and hospitals.
Providing health services and information.
Disadvantaged people in India often have no access to healthcare or information that could save their lives. There are many organisations out there that provide medical services and assistance to those living in the slums and other impoverished areas. Lots of people die in India because they don’t have the basic necessities. So, volunteering in one of those health roles is guaranteed to make a difference for those people. You could help to stop the spread of disease and ensure nobody struggles with medical issues that doctors and nurses can solve in seconds in the western world.
Those were some of the biggest contributions to humanity that students can make during their gap year volunteering in India. Of course, there are other volunteer opportunities in India and plenty more to learn. With that in mind, you just need to conduct some research and get in touch with suitable organisations as soon as possible to start the ball rolling. Hopefully, you can organise your experience within a couple of months and start contributing straight away. India needs your help, and the local people are thankful for any assistance you can provide.