Welcome to Volunteering in India.

Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

Author: admin

A Typical Schedule when you are Volunteering in India.

Despite all volunteer opportunities in India are different, the schedules are more or less the same. You will be provided with your schedule by the volunteer program organization of your choice. If you have not make up your mind yet, here is a typical schedule when you are volunteering in India. You will find that volunteers are working full time. Be prepared for long journeys while you engage on helping others.

The Arrival.

The arrival is always something exciting for a volunteer. Most programs make arrangements to pick you up at the airport and take you to your local host. Most times you will be self-introduced to your host family, or they be the ones to get you at the airport. There is no standard here, and the organizers are going to send you the specific details.

Most volunteers arrive one-day prior the actual first day of their volunteering program. Some places for volunteering are not close to international airports. Because of transportation times, despite you arrived early in the morning, expect to get to your host home in the afternoon.

You will have the chance to get to know your host family, have dinner, and make any necessary arrangements for accommodation. We know you will be eager to discover everything around you, but we recommend you to get some rest that night. A good night sleep is going to prepare you for the volunteering journey you are about to start.


The First Volunteering Day

The first volunteering day you may be escorted to the location where you will perform your tasks. This is when you get to meet the coordinator and other members of the staff.

Most likely you are going to meet other volunteers just like you (if you haven’t met them already at your host home). After all the introductions, you will be given a task. The structure of a volunteer program is fixed already. Pay attention so that you can perform your best during your volunteering time.

Monday to Friday Schedules

After you are given a task, there will be a fixed schedule. Typically volunteers work from Monday to Friday. The agenda is usually as follows:

  • 8 AM to 9 AM. Time for breakfast, which is generally taken at your host home.
  • 9 AM. Travel to your workplace. Host homes are not too far from your volunteering location. It is typically a 15-minute ride or walk. However, that may change depending on the location and your volunteer program.
  • 15 AM to 12.00 PM. Volunteering activities.
  • 00 PM to 2.00 PM. Break for lunch. If you are meant to have lunch at the volunteering site, it is typically just one hour. When the break consists of two hours, volunteers go home for lunch.
  • 00 PM to 5.00 PM. More volunteering activities.
  • 00 PM to 7.00 PM. Free time.
  • 00 PM to 9.00 PM. Schedule for dinner at your host home.

This is not a fixed schedule for all programs, but it gives you a good idea on how you are going to spend your days as you are a volunteer.

Saturday and Sunday

Weekends are free time for you, to explore volunteer trips in India with iSpiice and there is no schedule. You will get time to sight see and get involved with the Indian culture. Most volunteers engage with activities with their groups. Asking your host family for recommendations is a great way to get to know India. People in India are warm and welcoming. You will find their advice of most help. Local people have a different perspective than tourists. You will discover things of India you would not have seen if you had just come for sightseeing.

Some volunteer programs prepare weekend activities. If you are in India for a couple of weeks on an express program, the organizers may have made arrangements for touristic activities. That is a way to show their appreciation and thank you for your time helping.

Visit all volunteer projects in India. https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com/volunteer-programs-in-india/

Short volunteer period are also available.

For people who may not spare two or one month, and would still be interested in volunteering in India, there are some opportunities available that will fit your needs. There are volunteer programs that run for short time; some for one week while others between seven and fourteen days. You may be wondering what can be done within that period, but there is a lot that can be accomplished as a volunteer even for one day.

Summer volunteer programs.

There are summer volunteer programs that one can engage in when only available for a short period. High school and college students who are on a short holiday can take advantage of these volunteer in India programs to offer the services. All that they have to do is start early bookings and preparations so that the one or two week programs are not eaten away by the time one needs to prepare for the activity.

It is also advisable to select a period when the weather is conducive so as to utilize all the days. In some places in India, weather can be a bit harsh and when one is not used, it may take some days to adjust. This means that a one or two weeks volunteer in India will be reduced by a number of days when one cannot work due to the adverse weather.

Medical camps.

Medical camps fit well within the short volunteer programs. These camps are organized for a number of days in a given area, before moving to a new place. Your services as a medical or health practitioner may be required for only a few days allowing you to rest for the others.

This means that even if the volunteer period is short, you can still visit some few places and get to know India. Engage in medical volunteer work and help people who are suffering from given diseases and still take time to enjoy what lies in India. You can divide your time in such a way that you are left with some time every day where you can visit at least one site per day. You may get somebody to show you around or pay for a guide. With this, you will use the time effectively instead of venturing alone in places you are not familiar with.

If you can do it as a group, the better but sometimes, one or two week is such a short period such that you may not have found a suitable travel group. Also, you may be working in different shifts such that getting somebody to accompany you for the walks or short travel may be difficult.

All in all, there are no limits as far as the period when one would like to volunteer, different programs are available, tailored to fits your schedule and needs. If you are only available for a short period of time, one or two weeks volunteer programs will work well for you. All that you have to do is plan effectively so that you can utilize most of the time doing volunteer work and still get some days or hours engaging in sight seeing or travelling.

Why to Volunteer in India?

Of course, India is far from alone in requiring the assistance of overseas volunteers. There are many countries throughout the world where the citizens face difficult circumstances, so why should you pick India? India’s problems are due in no small part to its vast size. With a population of over one billion — more than any other country on earth — and a vast, often difficult landscape, the scale of assistance that India requires is staggering to behold. It is thought that 20% of Indian citizens live in impoverished circumstances, which in a population of this size, equates to millions.

The need is very real and impacts a huge number of people.  It is also worth noting that India is a country where volunteering is a known quantity. At iSpiice, we have a long history of working in the country, so we know exactly how to provide programs that are truly going to make a difference.

Finally, India truly is a wonderful country. It has its problems, but it also has a unique character and charm that make it one of the most beloved tourist destinations on the planet. If you wish to combine your volunteering efforts with sightseeing, then India is absolutely the best country for you to consider. From the world-famous Taj Mahal to the snowy-capped Himalayan mountains, there’s something for everyone in India.

India has an estimated population of 1.324 billion, and many millions of those people live in poverty without much hope of improving their situations. iSpiice believes that helping those in need is a duty for those who come from wealthy countries in the West. Anyone who decides to take part in one of our volunteering programs will make a real difference, and they’ll also gain some valuable life experience in the process.

Spending time with people from other cultures is the best way to open your mind and see the world from a new and beautiful perspective. Choose iSpiice this year, and you’re guaranteed to have a positive impact on the lives of some of India’s most deprived women and children.

Why you should do Volunteer Teaching in India ?

Choosing to volunteer abroad is always a great decision, especially because it means helping other people who are in need of help and support. Giving up your time to go abroad and support an air organization is one of the most selfless and most rewarding things that you can do.

When it comes to teaching abroad as a volunteer, it is important that you are selective about the country that you visit, the school that you teach in, and what subjects you are teaching, to ensure that your trip is as exciting and rewarding as you have dreamed it would be.

Volunteering to teach abroad is one of the most amazing things that you can do, especially when it means teaching underprivileged kids in a country like India, where teachers and teaching resources are scarce. Choosing to volunteer in a country like India offers you the opportunity to make a long-lasting impact on future generations.

Like the idea of teaching abroad as a volunteer but aren’t sure if India is the right place to head to? Keep reading for a guide to why you should choose India as the place where you volunteer…

 India is an amazing country but a very poor one.

India is one of the world’s most beautiful countries; it’s packed with bright colors, incredible pieces of architecture, and some of the most diverse rural landscapes in the world. There are various wealthy areas in India, however, for the most part, India is somewhere that is very poor, which means that high numbers of volunteers are needed to help find ways to improve the quality of life that many people have here.

You can make a positive difference.

By choosing to teach at one school for the duration of your stay, you can slowly get to know each class and each student within them. As you get to know your students and the other teachers that you work with, you can begin to build strong bonds that will last a lifetime. You can share and implement your ideas for ways that the school can make learning more fun, exciting, and effective for the children. It’s little things like educational games and songs that you will find make a real difference.

You will make friends from around the world.

India is becoming an increasingly popular destination for volunteer teachers, which means that you will meet lots of other like-minded professionals, and you will become part of a global teaching community. You will have the opportunity to learn from other teachers and share ideas and knowledge about the best teaching methods used in various areas of the world.

Travel and explore.

Living in India will give you the opportunity to travel around and explore various parts of this inspiring country. India is a vibrant and colorful place that can offer you a different adventure every weekend – there is no limit to the things that you can see and do here. You can explore Mumbai and Delhi; you can see the Taj Mahal first hand, explore the Ajanta Caves, visit the idyllic Andaman Islands, and see some amazing sights like the Gateway of India. There is so much to see and do here that you are guaranteed never to be bored. There you have it, a few reasons why you should volunteer to teach in India.

Why You Should Consider India as Your Next Volunteering Destination?

India is a land of many dispositions, different culture, and a tradition. This is so amusing, and it almost leaves tourists fascinated and wanting for more. It has a steady pace of development and economic growth, India has gone through a lot of changes in the past years. These changes are good even though some are not good. Disproportionate expansion to a high magnitude and has brought Indian into the subcontinent. They face lots of challenges such as poverty, starvation in kids. The lack of proper education and suppression of women. They also have rare opportunities of development for kids living in orphanages. So, India needs a lot of support to raise the growth of its unfortunate and needy. In the earlier few years, the country has become a volunteering hot spot.

Is Volunteering in India important?

There are many reasons as to why one should volunteer in India. The population growth of the country has caused a situation whereby around 17.6% of the total world people live in India. Whereby 20.65% of them are the world’s poorest people live in this country. The unfortunate of the nation suffers from starvation, lack of access to safe drinking water.

The lack of essential health amenities and suitable housing, which cause the state of affairs of the poor people in the country, needs attention, care and access to the necessary facilities in life.

The poverty in this country requires curbing, the different and lively culture of the nation. This is another big reason why volunteering in India is crucial. The culture and custom of the country are inspired by the most miserable people, who are very friendly and hospitable. Volunteers who choose to visit with host families, during their volunteering period get a taste of the local values. This is a very genuine Indian travel experience.

Can you volunteer in India?

The least required age is 18 years and above. You can take up a volunteering venture that is offered by worldwide volunteering groups. The country is a welcoming country, and it hosts volunteers from different nations. There also many non-local Indians who are participating in the volunteering programs in India. If you are passionate about India and its philosophy should also engage in volunteering opportunities. It is a very inspiring and a unique way to appreciate an external culture.

Some of Volunteering Opportunities that are Available in India.

There are lots of volunteering openings available for example teaching kids English. Also Programs like women empowerment and street children. You can also work in an orphanage, medical training period, healthcare programs and missions. You can combine these with tourism over the weekends. You can also work on projects relating kids. These include spending time the kids, conniving fun and educative segments for kids. You also catch up and continue with the work done by former volunteers. You should make sure that there is a friendly and wholesome atmosphere. Especially for kids who live in the children’s home.

The volunteers in the women empowerment programs are supposed to bring a transformation in the lives of the subjugated women. They are also supposed to teach them some valuable life skills, impart education so that the can be employed and make a good living. The volunteers are supposed to consider the sensitivities of traditional Indian sensitivities before volunteering with kids and women.

Medical internship programs are also common among st medical students. This will include professional internship programs which offer experience. It also provides hands-on training to those taking part as a medical student.

What Do You Achieve By Volunteering In India?

Volunteering offers you the much desirable global exposure. It is an opportunity to do something significant while traveling, develop relational skills. It also improves your professional skill set. When working as a Volunteer, you need to be patience, creative, hardworking, compassion and flexible. This goes a long way and is useful in your professional and own life. India being the country of irresistible diversity offers the volunteers an opportunity. This is to comprehend the unity in diversity philosophy of the state. The “Atithi Devo Bhava” is a conception of Indians. This means that visitor is god leaves a permanent impression on the volunteers for the hospitality of people in India is impeccable. Volunteering and traveling in India is a mentally, and spiritually rewarding experience.

Things you need to consider before Volunteering in India

You should buy compulsory tourism and health insurance to prepare for any emergency. Immunizations are also vital before traveling to India. Since a change in climate or alteration in hygiene criteria can affect the tourists. As volunteers, you should keep extra safety measure. So you should drink only bottled water and high-quality foodstuff to keep away infections. You should also be Culture sensitive and dress accordingly. You should not venture out at night alone in India. Working abroad in India can be an enriching experience, if you consider everything and take the necessary precautions.

Child care volunteer program in India.

One of the available volunteer programs in India is child care; this is one of the most fascinating activities. It involves spending quality time with children. It is an exercise that brings something new every day.

After the twelve weeks or so that you spend with the children, you’ll come out a completely changed person.

You’ll have a different perspective about the world. You’ll have gained skills that no school can teach in one semester. Some of these skills will come in handy when you have your own children.

Volunteers in India will have introduced you into a whole new world, taking care of the children, learning from them as you teach them various skills. It is an experience that you’ll never forget.

Many people who have participated in this exercise have been grateful iSpiice gave them this opportunity, they have been happy that they spend quality time with children especially in India.

The child care volunteer program in India is designed with an understanding that the love and attention that is given to any child during the early years has a great impact on their happiness as well as general health.

With children being exposed to an environment where people from different parts of the world are offering assistance, they grow up knowing that people are different but they should live together despite their differences.

Volunteering in India is not only a beautiful experience for the people offering their services but it is an exposure that leaves the children better than before. Some of the children are orphans and some come from poor families across the region.

These are children who need love and attention; they require special care so that they can grow well and become responsible people in their adulthood. The childcare volunteer program in India gives you an opportunity to shape someone’s lives. It gives you a chance to make a difference in their lives.

You may not see the results immediately, given that you may only be here for a short period, but you’ll leave knowing that you have made a difference. By the time you leave, you’ll not only have impacted positively in the child’s life but will have contributed towards building a better society, now and in the future.

As a volunteer you’ll be assisting parents and other caregivers too. You’ll be sharing the burden of child care. You’ll be imparting new skills as well as learning new ways of childcare given that the environment and culture are new and different from what you are used to. You’ll love the whole experience. Children are little angels, they are exciting and fun to be with, and there will never be a dull moment.

Every day, you’ll experience something new, if you love such encounters, you’ll have the time of your life. Many people who have volunteered in child care confess to experiencing life-changing moments. Having experienced something different, they come to appreciate life and what it brings. They leave with a different perspective about life and leaving.

They come here expecting to teach and impart skills but at the end of the program, they realize they have learnt more than what any classroom would teach in one year.

The twelve weeks or so they spend with the children, parents as well as other volunteers, changes the way they perceive the world.

They go back home new people. This is a perfect opportunity to reflect upon life, it is a period that one can use to gain a new insight and firsthand experience what children who need assistance go through. You’ll learn to appreciate what you have in life no matter small.

You’ll learn to live each day, appreciate assisting others especially those who may be going through some difficult times, childcare volunteer programs in India are eye-opening, life-changing and beautiful experiences.

One of the most beautiful things about childcare is that you may not need high skills to enjoy and deliver. Most of the time, you’ll be teaching kids new songs, numbers and alphabets as well as their sounds. Although this can be difficult exercise for those who may not have the knowledge, it is fun given that this is something that you went through. While at it, understand that you are in a new environment, do not assume that the way things are done back home is similar here. Although you’ll work along other iSpiice staff, it’s important to learn how things are done here and do it as fast as you can. This will help you appreciate the exercise and make it fun.

You are also advised to participate in other activities; this exposes you to different environments helping in building an all round person. Volunteering is about helping others as well as building your skills. Participating in other activities while your main engagement is childcare helps you to interact with different people further building your social skills. Make sure that by the time you leave after the volunteer in India program comes to an end, you’ll have gained skills that probably no other environment can allow. Take advantage of the diversity to learn about other countries and how they run their affairs. Take time to learn a new language, this will be easy since you be spending quality time with the children. Although you are their teacher, they will teach you a lot, things that no university or college course can cover in the whole of the learning duration.

Child care volunteer program in India is fun, educating and inspiring. The 12 weeks or so that you spend with the children will leave you a different person. Use the lessons and the skills you learn here to change your life as well as people around you. It is a period that you’ll always remember, the fun that you had, the lives that you impacted, the people you met and the things that you learnt.

Visit https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com  for more information.


Volunteering in India to Help Women Empowerment.

Volunteering in India to help women empowerment is very crucial in times like these where the rights of a woman are thrown into the pit and abandoned. In times like these when the male gender is superior to the female gender in India. This is the best time for everyone around the world, especially those in developed countries to rally round the idea of women empowerment in India.

There have been several cases of the rape of both young girls and women, so many other cases of women seriously maltreated, just to mention a few. These evil vices have been unleashed from one generation to another, till it has now gotten to our generation still unstopped. All hands need to be on deck to put an end to this at this point in time. For it is the empowerment of the women and girl child that can provide a social weapon to the end the wicked vices unleashed on the female gender in this country.

It is time to come out of our comfort zones, out of the confines of our civilized societies, out of the loving arms of comfort, leisure and luxury that have so tightly embraced us in our developed countries. It is time to think about a young girl that might die any moment from a rape attack majorly because of ignorance. You should consider the sexual, emotional and social harassment meted out to every woman daily because of ignorance. Consider still the vast majority of the female gender that are walloping in the well of ignorance leading to their gross abuse and unemployment.

After taking time out to think along these lines, you will agree that necessity is placed on us wherever we are to do anything we can to help by volunteering in India for women empowerment. This presents a great solution that will help educate these women on their fundamental human rights, a knowledge that they are oblivious of.

If you are the type that loves to travel and explore the world, this comes as an excellent opportunity. With this opportunity you will be able to fulfill your exploratory travel desires while helping out to empower women as a way to end the injustices against the female gender. As a volunteer in India to help women empowerment, you will be expected to work in the following capacities to assist the female gender.

Helping Abused Women to Recover.

You will be required to work closely with abused women, as a way to help them recover from the misery of the attack. There are so many women that are abused in one way or other by strangers, father, husband or even the boss at the place of work. As a volunteer in India that works to empower women, you will be laden with the responsibility to help these emotionally shattered women recover.

This will be done through several sessions of counseling and education. The basic education at this point is to help understand their fundamental human rights that will help protect them from further assault. When women knows her rights, when she knows the foundational truths of gender equality then she is empowered to rise against all forms of abuse successful.

You will also need to help these abused women feel better by taking their minds away from the sorrows that weighs them down. This will be achieved by training them in fun and interesting activities like music, crafting and designing based on the extra stuff the volunteer plans to teach them. All of these are geared towards creating relief and recovery for the abused.

Guide Women to Seek Legal Redress.

When faced with issues that are against the fundamental human rights of women, most females in India are either ignorant or afraid to seek legal redress. As a volunteer working with women to empower them, you will be able to train them on the need to go to the court with any discriminatory abuse issue.

A step by step training is required in this instance to teach them on how to contract a lawyer’s help when, sexually, emotionally and socially abused. However, there may also be other special tribunals created by non-governmental organizations within India to help solve the legal problems of such women.

Empower Women through Skills Acquisition.

Many women in India are very poor with a good source of income. This makes them really dependent of their husbands and male gender within the family unit. This is another reason why gender inequality thrives within this nation, because the women are not empowered to earn a good living. Programs to teach them skills acquisition that would empower their career are very essentials.

As a volunteer working with women, this will also be another aspect to focus on to help the battered among them. There are versatile of skills that can be taught, beginning with teaching them how to read, write and speak English so that they can be easily integrated into the work force and the global society.

A strong woman is that one who is financially strong, those are the women that can withstand and fight against all forms of abuse and gender inequality. This is because they have been taught their rights which serves as armor, and are equipped with skills that will help them generate personal income. This is what women empowerment entails, and you can volunteer to help with these.

Check it out:


What It’s Like Being A First time volunteer in India?

Volunteering is an incredibly exciting prospect, but it can also be daunting. If you’re going to a different country, you’re volunteering for the first time, or you’re swapping day to day life at home for a completely different culture, you may find that you approach a project with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

If you’re preparing to be a volunteer in India for the first time, this guide will hopefully provide you with useful information about what you can expect when you arrive, what it’s like being a volunteer in India and how you can prepare for your first volunteering program.

What it’s like being a volunteer in India for the first time?

There are myriad types of volunteering project, and every volunteer will enjoy a unique experience in India. Whether you’re mentoring or teaching, building structures or trying to connect communities, you’re in for an adventure. Being a volunteer in any country will treat you to an experience you’re never likely to forget.

Living in India may be very different to what you’re used to at home, and cultural differences may be the first thing you notice.

You will probably find that your day to day life takes a dramatically different direction. At first, this may seem scary, but as you adjust, hopefully, you’ll find living in a different country and embracing a new culture rewarding and enriching.

Before you travel to India, it’s worth doing some research to find out more about the culture and what your daily life is likely to entail once you land and start volunteering. This will enable you to prepare in advance.

The sights and sounds you enjoy in your new temporary home may be completely different to what you’re used to. Although this can be daunting, it can also be a really valuable educational experience and an opportunity to learn more about a different and diverse culture and get to know the people around you.

From traffic to poverty, there may be a lot to take in, and you shouldn’t worry if you feel overwhelmed for the first couple of days. If you’re going through a major change, it takes time to adjust and adapt, so hang on in there and try to enjoy every moment.

The time you spend volunteering in India may be very different to the way you spend the rest of your time. If you’re based at a school, an orphanage, a community centre, a hospital or an animal sanctuary, for example, you may be facing tough experiences on a regular basis.

Although the majority of your time may be devoted to a project, there will be downtime, so try and take advantage of opportunities to get involved in community life, see the sights and forge friendships with fellow volunteers and travellers you encounter along the way.

Living in a different country can take you out of your comfort zone, and it’s normal to have days when you feel homesick, or you crave creature comforts you’re used to at home. Remember that every volunteer should have access to a support network. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

There may be days that are difficult, but the highs should outweigh the lows. Use the support systems around you and take advantage of the opportunity to make new friends.

If you have a bit of spare time, try and live like the locals and embrace traditions and try new activities. The way you spend your time may be very different to what you do at home on a free weekend, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Use the time you have to make the experience even more memorable and worthwhile. Travel around and take on new challenges.


What to expect when you arrive in India?

One of the most appealing aspects of volunteering is getting the chance to travel to a different country and India is a destination that affords volunteers a veritable array of experiences.

The culture is unique, there are dazzling sights and attractions dotted around the country, and there’s a chance to immerse yourself in an experience that is likely to change you for the good.

It’s probable that every volunteer feels a degree of trepidation when the time comes to board that plane and take that leap. If it’s your first time, the prospect of being away and trying to adjust to a new culture and a different home can be particularly scary.

No amount of reading will dictate exactly how you will feel when you first touch down on Indian soil, collect your bags and leave the airport, but research and talking to people who have been to India can help to give you an idea of what you’re in for.

We all have perceptions and ideas about different countries, but they can often be proven wrong. Do some research online, don’t be afraid to ask the organisers of the project questions, and try and learn more about the area you’re visiting. The cities in India are very different to the rural communities.

During the first few days of your time in India, you may be taken aback by the views and the sights you see as you meander around city streets or get used to village life. What you see in front of you may be worlds away from what you’re used to?

Poverty is clear to see, but there are incredibly affluent areas in India, and it’s by no means a country that is struggling to emerge from the dark ages. There’s a perception that life is hectic, but this is not the case everywhere you go. Just as cities, towns and villages differ in other countries, there are plenty of serene spots far away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Delhi or Mumbai.

One thing to note when you’re travelling in India is the concept of time. If you’re used to arriving at meetings ten minutes before the scheduled start time, or you live your life according to seconds or minutes rather than hours or days, life in India will be a new experience for you.

Time is often not as restrictive as it may be at home. If you agree to meet somebody at 4 pm, don’t be surprised if they’re not there at 4 o’clock on the dot. Things tend to take time in India, and the sooner you adapt to this way of life, the better.

When you start volunteering, you should be introduced to fellow volunteers, as well as others involved in running the project. Use this time to form relationships, find out more about what you’re going to be doing over the course of the next few days, weeks or months and get used to a rough schedule.

Many of us have ideas about experiences before we undertake them, but try and be open-minded when the start date of your volunteering project is looming. Be open to the new experiences you’re going to undertake, don’t be afraid to throw yourself into every challenge and try and make the most of every day you have.

Be willing to meet new people, share stories and tales and really get to grips with the culture, as well as enjoying every benefit of the time you spend volunteering.

Preparing for your first volunteering project in India.

Doing some research before you travel can be valuable, as it enables you to prepare yourself mentally and to approach the trip from a practical angle. The reality is that you may be spending a prolonged period of time in a place that is very different to home, and this may make packing and surviving those first few days a daunting task.

Think about where you’re going in India and what you’re going to be doing when you’re writing a list of items that you need to buy or pack. It’s worth talking to other volunteers and the people in charge of the project to get some tips that will ensure you have everything you need from the outset.

When you arrive in India, you want to get settled as soon as possible, so it’s a good idea to change some currency in advance and to take a cellphone, which you can put an Indian SIM in to enable you to make calls and send messages as soon as you land. If you have access to an Internet connection where you’re staying, you can use email, social media and video calling to keep in touch with loved ones free of charge.

If you don’t have transport from the airport arranged by the organisation for which you’re volunteering, find out the best ways to get from the airport to your lodgings in advance. This will save time and stress when you land.

Volunteering offers a raft of benefits and opportunities, but there’s no doubt that the prospect of going to India for your first volunteer project can provoke mixed emotions.

It’s normal to feel anxious, especially if you’re preparing for an experience that is worlds away from your daily life at home. Hopefully, this guide will enable you to prepare as effectively as possible and make the most of every moment you have in India.

For more information visit : https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

What is the Difference Between Volunteering & Volunteerism?

Volunteering is an amazing way to give something back to the world, and in many instances, it can also be an exciting and unique way to see more of the world. Instead of simply planning a vacation, by choosing to volunteer abroad you get the opportunity to see areas of the world that you usually would not have the chance to explore when taking a regular vacation. You also have the option of spending time among other cultures, learning about how other people from other backgrounds, lead their lives.

Of course, while a lot of people presume that any trip abroad where you are helping other people counts as volunteering, that is not the case. There?s not only volunteering but also volunteerism, and knowing the difference between both is important, in addition to the pros and cons of each option.

There is a lot more to the differences to volunteering and volunteerism than meets the eye, which is why taking the time to get to grips with what each of these things actually means is so worthwhile. For everything that you need to know about the ins and outs of these two similar but slightly different kinds of travelling to help others, read on.

What is volunteerism?

As a rule of thumb, volunteerism programs are usually run as part of a larger vacation program, and act as just one small part of a trip away. The overall trip may include excursions and day trips throughout it, including days spent volunteering at local organizations.

These kinds of programs are designed for people who want to volunteer abroad and do their bit but don?t have the time to spend a longer period volunteering, and therefore find this option a more practical one.

An example of this kind of trip is planning a two-week spring break which includes a range of activities, such as working at a school that is deprived, as well as going on safari and other excursions.

These trips are available for both groups of people and individuals, so are ideal for anyone or any group. You choose a trip based on your interests and passions, such as if you like animals, you choose an option that involves working with animals.

As part of volunteerism, usually, it costs a fee to get involved in a project. Whereas, with volunteering, often it comes at no cost and volunteers are treated to free accommodation and board – AKA are given three meals a day. With volunteerism, you have the option of selecting where you stay and how nice the accommodation is, as well as where you eat, which is not usually the case with volunteering.

Volunteerism companies don’t tend to by non-for-profit organizations; they tend to be companies that function as a business. Whereas, when it comes to volunteering, projects tend to be organized and run by non-profit organizations. These projects are set up to make money as well as to give money and assistance back to struggling communities abroad.

Another difference between volunteering and volunteerism is the fact that the company running the program likes to make sure that their volunteers have had a good experience and have enjoyed their time giving back to others. The aim of voluntarism is to allow people who otherwise would not get the chance to expand their horizons, the chance to do so. Companies that run these trips like to make sure that their customers come back from their trips feeling like they have done something unique. They want their customers to go home with photos of them with school children, building properties, or working with wild animals. You wont be expected to work too hard, just enough to make you feel like you did your part and contributed to the cause.

What are the benefits of volunteerism?

Compared to volunteering, voluntourism comes with the benefit of not needing any experience to take part. The kind of work that is available for voluntourism so does not tend to require any special skills, which means that anyone is able to volunteer as part of a trip. For longer-term volunteering projects, usually, you have to have a background in the area that you want to focus on.

However, for volunteerism that is not the case – anyone with any background can choose to take part in a wide range of volunteer projects. Whether you dream of taking part in a construction, conservation or teaching project, by choosing to do so as part of a volunteerism program, you won?t be required to have a background in the area that you plan on volunteering in. When it comes to long-term volunteering, often a degree of extensive background in the field is required for your application to be a success.

Instead, people volunteering as part of a vacation are expected t have a have-a-go attitude and be willing to work hard and give each task their all. They are expected to be open to trying new things and should be willing to experiment with all manner of different tasks and not be afraid to try new things. With this kind of program, it is always guaranteed that there will be someone with the appropriate set of skills supervising any work that is completed.

What is volunteering?

Volunteering abroad is more of a longer-term thing that volunteerism and projects can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, or even for a year, depending on what the project is and how much work it will take. Usually, when it comes to volunteering, it is considered that the longer you are able to stay for, the better, as the more work you will be able to complete.

Most volunteering projects require a minimum stay of two to three months so that there is time to undertake any necessary training and see the project through. Of course, for experts in a field, there are shorter projects that can be completed in just a few weeks. However, for unskilled volunteers this is not the case – projects are always much longer than this.

Most volunteering projects require their recruits to have the skills and knowledge needed to be able to add value to a project. Whether that is experience working in a certain field or a degree in a specific area, it doesn’t?t matter, all that matters is that the experience is there and can be relied upon.

Then there is the fact that depending on where you plan on volunteering, speaking the language could be vital. That is why some volunteering projects are only open to people who speak the language, as learning takes far too long.

The aim of volunteering is to help the on-site team to help achieve their goals and complete their projects as quickly as possible. There is not always enough manpower to do this, which is where volunteers come in.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

Often there is no charge for volunteering, although sometimes organizations to request that volunteers fund-raise a set amount before they join the program to put towards their keep.

By taking the time to fund raise, volunteers are made to learn more about the organization that they are volunteering for, and are able to gain a stronger amount of knowledge which will help them to be more of a useful tool once they arrive.

A benefit of taking part in a volunteer program is the fact that most programs request that their volunteers take the time to take part in an intensive orientation and training program. The skills learnt during this are transferable and can look amazing on a resume or when applying for further volunteering opportunities in the future.

As part of the training that you will undertake, you will be introduced to the culture and etiquette of the place where you will be living and working, and will, throughout your stay, get time to spend with people from the local community. By understanding why the project is important and how it will aid the local community, you can ensure that you are able to offer as much help as possible and feel passionate about the work that you are doing.

A big part of many volunteering roles is training up new recruits from the local community to take your place. The idea of volunteer projects is to share skills with the local community and teach them how to lead a more sustainable life. You don?t want to do everything for them forever; the aim is to slowly, over time, teach them how to take care of themselves and their community.

Unlike a volunteerism program, a volunteer program is a vital part of an organization. Non-profit organizations want their volunteers to learn new skills and enjoy their team volunteering, but ultimately the goal is to improve the lives of local communities, giving them the skills that they need to learn to thrive, rather than just survive.

The long and the short of it is that volunteerism usually combines a vacation with a little volunteering work, nothing too strenuous, just enough to make you feel part of the cause. Whereas, volunteering is where you work alongside an organization and community to help them to develop a more sustainable way of life.

Visit https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com for more details.

Volunteering in India – Things you are forgetting to do.

Volunteering in India is one of the most valuable, life-affirming things you can do, giving you the opportunity to make a real difference. However, it’s also a fairly rare thing to do, meaning that thousands of volunteers undertake their experience without being entirely sure of what to expect– or how to prepare themselves.

Below are 11 areas you may overlook when planning to visit India. This should help furnish you with all of the essential information, helping to ensure that the time you spend in India is as valuable and productive as it can possibly be. Avoid being the volunteer who forgets the basics by taking the time to consider the following…

#1 – Research all the different opportunities available to you.
  • Working with street children and helping to improve the lives of those who live below the poverty line. It is estimated at least 20% of Indian citizens live beneath the poverty line, so there is plenty of need for assistance to children who have to live in these conditions.
  • Teaching English to children or adults, helping to improve employment opportunities and expand horizons for international development. English is one of the official languages of India and helping to encourage widespread usage is incredibly beneficial.
  • Women’s empowerment is a valuable choice for volunteering and particularly suited to those with an interest in third-wave feminism.
  • Renovation and construction work is a great choice if you work well with your hands and want to help improve living conditions and infrastructure throughout the country.
  • Health education does not necessarily require a professional health background, so don’t rule the possibility out just because you are not a qualified or nurse. There are plenty of programmes that you can do as a lay person, which help to improve health education to the general populace.
  • Teaching computer skills can help you introduce new technologies to communities and improve access to a wide range of information and life-improving amenities.
  • Volunteering as a private tutor allows you to assist the education of individuals, helping to nurture their love of information and improve their future prospects.
  • You can also run summer camps in India, which run in a similar vein to Western camps, and provide a great option if you’re looking to improve the lifestyles of young children in the country.

So don’t neglect the need to fully research the different volunteering opportunities available to you– you need to know the full picture of possibilities before you sign yourself up.

#2 – Get your shots (in good time).

Many volunteers know that they will need to receive vaccinations prior to travelling to India, but they often forget just how far in advance these shots need to be planned. For full immunity, you will want to obtain your vaccinations at least six weeks before you travel, and longer if you can arrange it.

The specific vaccinations you will require depend on the area you are going to be visiting and the work you are going to be completing. You can discuss specific needs with your co-ordinator, but expect to likely need the following regardless of where you go:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Polio
  • Diphtheria
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Typhoid
  • Malaria
  • Yellow fever
  • Rabies
  • Japanese B

If you are not sure which of these shots you may already have had, liaise with your doctor to see which you may require.

#3 – Prepare yourself mentally.

Before you sign up to volunteer in India, you have to prepare yourself for what you are going to see and experience.

It is a simple fact that India is a country of many problems, some of which may take centuries to solve. Preparing yourself for what you are going to see is essential; the emotional toll can be significant in the first few days. Don’t expect that you’ll be able to deal with it; the chances are, you won’t, at least not initially.

Just try and remember that you’re visiting the country to help and to alleviate some of the conditions that so upset you. Volunteering in India is incredibly rewarding and worthwhile, so just focus on why you are there and you should be able to withstand any emotional upheaval you face.

#4 – Thinking through the logistics of eating and drinking.

The food and drinking culture in India is very different to Western civilisation. Don’t assume that just because you’ve had a few curries in your time that you’re going to transition flawlessly! It’s helpful if you take a few digestive aids and remedies along in your luggage.

#5 – Consider whether you need a friend.

While it’s likely you will be placed in a group with other volunteers, you cannot rely on this, nor can you rely on getting on well with them. It’s worth truly thinking about whether you can handle volunteering alone. If you suspect you may find it difficult, then talk to your friends and family to see if someone might be interested in joining you.

#6 – Think about general travel concerns.

Although you’re volunteering rather than travelling, you will still need to pay attention to general travel concerns. You need to know where your passport is, ensure you have any visa issues dealt with, and be ready to pack without incurring huge excess baggage charges at the airport.

Many volunteers overlook the general travel requirements of volunteering, so avoid this by approaching the travel situation with the same methodical approach you would take when planning a vacation.

#7 – Preparing for being in a low-tech environment.

In the western world, we’ve all become accustomed to having easy access to technology and the information that tech gives us access to.

When you’re staying in India, you have to be prepared for the fact the technology infrastructure is far from what you are used to.

This is a particular concern when it comes to staying in touch with friends and family while you are away.

While you should have opportunities to send the occasional email, you may find it difficult to maintain contact as you are familiar with being able to do. It’s important to take the time to brief your friends and family on this, so they know that no contact is not necessarily a bad sign.

#8 – Learn the weather systems you should expect (and pack clothing accordingly).

Most of us think of India as a hot country and will thus plan light, simple, summer clothes. For the most part, this is reasonable, but it’s important to learn a little about the local climate you will experience.

The time of year you are travelling will also govern the items you need to take along with you.

The monsoon season lasts from July through to September, so if you’re travelling during this time, you will need to take account of the risk of high levels of rainfall.

#9 – Catering to your own healthcare needs.

If you are on regular medication, you need to think about how you are going to continue to take this during your time abroad. It’s important not to rely on local clinics or access to pharmaceutical drugs, especially if you are volunteering in the more rural areas.

You have to prioritise your own healthcare requirements and ensure you have an adequate supply of medication, as well as equipment such as asthma inhalers, at least four weeks prior to the date of your departure.

#10 – Planning things to do during your time off.

When volunteering, you won’t spend all of your time working. You will likely have weekends and evenings to yourself, so you’ll want to put together a few ideas of places you might like to go and things you want to see during this leisure time.

India is an amazing country, so it’s worth seeking out tourist-related activities to ensure you get to experience as much as possible outside of your volunteering hours.

#11 – Anticipate cultural differences.

India is a huge country with a wide range of different cultures contained within, so you can’t just expect “Indian culture”– because there’s no such thing. Culture is far more based in regional differences.

For example, rural northern India — known as Dharamsala — is an area where volunteering is much-needed, but the experience there is very different from what you might experience if you were to visit an urban centre such as Delhi. Dharamsala has a far stronger Buddhist and Tibetan influence, while southern India is generally more westernised.

You have to take the time to familiarise yourself with the specific culture you will experience prior to travelling, so you don’t find yourself facing an unexpected culture shock upon arrival.


Prepare to volunteer in India can be time-consuming and confusing. However, if you ensure you have the areas above covered, you can be confident that the time you spend in the country is as well-researched and resourced as you need it to be.

Not only does adequate preparation ensure that the time you spend in India can be productive, but also helps to keep you safe, healthy, and mentally well for the duration of your time there.

visit for more information : https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

Volunteer Vacations in India for Families.

There is certainly no shortage of volunteering opportunities in India: there are various options to choose from. However, if you are planning on volunteering as a family group, not all the opportunities available will be suitable. Then there is the fact that there are certain volunteering projects in India that are incredibly expensive to take part in, which for larger family groups can often put them out of reach.

While some fees are a vital part of running non-profit organizations, and cover essentials costs like administration, criminal checks, accommodation, and food, taking part in a volunteering program does not have to cost you the earth. The best volunteering projects to look for are ones that offer you free accommodation and board, as these are the two most expensive parts of staying anywhere.

As well as taking into account the cost of each volunteering opportunity, it is also important to consider whether they are suitable for your family group. How suitable volunteering opportunities are will depend on what ages your group consists of.

Taking all of that into account, below are some volunteering ideas for families wanting to volunteer in India.

Work on an organic farm.

There are farms all across India, from tea plantations and coffee estates to agricultural farms, which rely on volunteers from abroad to help them run. If you and your family don’t mind getting your hands dirty and are happy to work in a rural environment, living off of the land, then volunteering on a farm could be the answer.

There are various online communities where you can research farms in India that require assistance from volunteers – take the time to have a look online and see what opportunities are available.

If you have children of a young age, this kind of volunteer project could be ideal, just as long as various safety precautions are taken into account, of course. If you want to teach your children more about other cultures and where food and other edible produce comes from, volunteering on a farm could be the perfect option.

Construct buildings.

For families with older children – teenagers ideally – working in construction could be ideal. The fact is that a great way to volunteer and make your mark is to spend a month or two helping to construct buildings for poorer communities. Whether you join a project that builds houses for destitute families, community hospitals or health centers, or schools in rural areas, it doesn’t matter.

All that matters is that you will be joining a project that will help a community in India to grow and develop, giving its children better learning opportunities and a much better chance at leading a successful adult life.

Before signing up to a construction volunteer program with children in tow, regardless of whether they are nearer adult age than childhood, it is vital that you check if there are any restrictions on who can get involved and help safely with the project.

Teach at a local school.

Whether you have a background in teaching or not, teaching at a local school could allow you to really give something back to a local community in rural India, where education is not always valued as highly as it should be, particularly for girls. If your whole family wants to take part in educational volunteering, look for a facility that will cater to everyone’s needs.

Say, for example, one of your teenage children wants to work in childcare as a nursery nurse, look for a school that has a nursery or creche attached to it. Or, say your other child fancies pursuing a career in sports, perhaps you could arrange for them to teach sport to some of the children from the school where you are volunteering at.

Don’t just take any project at face value, take the time to look deeper into what is on offer and find a way to make your ideal opportunity work for the entire family.

Help at an orphanage.

India has a lot of orphanages that house children who have been through all kinds of terrible situations and are traumatised because of them. While an orphanage may not be the ideal place to volunteer if you have young children of your own if you have an older family an orphanage could be the perfect place to volunteer at.

Whether it’s helping out with the children, teaching them to read and write, or fixing up the building and improving living conditions, it doesn’t matter.

Most orphanages in India receive little to no government funding and rely wholly on the generosity of others, which is why choosing to volunteer at one can be such a rewarding thing to do.

Offer adult learning.

In India, there are 287 million illiterate adults, that puts India at the forefront for illiteracy in adults, compared to the rest of the world. It is shocking that in 2018, there are still counties in the world where such a high number of people are illiterate. Bearing that in mind, countries like India require adult learning support as well as teachers and tutors for children.

So if you are a family that is well versed in various areas of education, from basic literacy and reading to mathematics and IT, then perhaps you could volunteer in the adult learning sector.

There are various organizations across India that offer adult learning for illiterate adults, as well as for adults who want to further their educational skills.

Summer camp.

During the summer months, many countries across the globe have summer camps for kids to spend their time at, learning new skills and making new friends, and India is no different.

If you are able to spare a whole summer to help out at a summer camp, then this could be the perfect way to volunteer. The difference between Western summer camps and summer camps in India (and other developing countries) is the fact that they are run for poorer children to attend and are used to teach them a range of transferable skills.

As well as spending time playing games and having fun, of course. Whatever age your children are, volunteering at a summer camp in India could be an ideal way to make use of the time that you have set aside to volunteer.

Work in health.

Do you have a background in health? Does anyone in your family want a career in health? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then volunteering for a health organization could be a great way to make the most of your time.

Whether it is simply teaching the local community how to take better care of their health, reducing the stigma surrounding mental health problems, educating communities about sexual health, or taking care of people who are sick,  providing free or affordable healthcare for them.

The health sector is an ideal area to volunteer in, if you have any medical experience or an interest in medicine or health, that is. If not, there are always administrative roles that you could opt to work in while other members of your family get involved in providing care.

Help at an animal sanctuary.

If you love animals or anyone in your family does, volunteering at an animal sanctuary of some kind, or a veterinary practice could be ideal. There are various animals sanctuaries across India, many offering a haven to hunted animals like elephants and tigers.

If you like the idea of working with animals or in conservation to help protect them, there are sure to be plenty of suitable facilities that you can choose to work at.

Take the time to do your research online and have a look at suitable facilities that may have volunteering opportunities available for you and your family to take advantage of.

Just make sure that any facility that you consider working in with your family takes health and safety seriously and is properly vetted.

When it comes to choosing a volunteering project or a volunteer vacation for you and your family, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of choices out there. From conservation projects and construction programs to teaching English and training adults in computers, there are just so many options to choose from.

However, there is sure to be an option that is an ideal fit for yours’ and your family’s aspirations and passions, it’s just a case of taking the time to find that perfect place. So don’t let yourself get overwhelmed and pick any old project to spend your vacation working for, take the time to carefully think each option through.

The best way to do that is to spend some time online doing your research, looking for what volunteering opportunities are where and why that location (and opportunity) would be a good fit for you and your family.

Then, sit down and discuss each one as a family unit, until you have decided as a group which would be the best option, and the perfect fit, for everyone.

Visit iSpiice website for more details volunteerindiaispiice.com

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