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Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

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The latest Trend in Volunteering.

Over the past decade, the level of international support for volunteering has grown phenomenally. Between 2012 and 2013, 62.6 million people volunteered regularly.

As well as this, in most developed countries, the rate of volunteering is around one-third of the population.

As such, it seems clear that there is a massive level of support for volunteering that by all accounts is only continuing to grow. Volunteering and philanthropy, in general, seems more popular than ever.

For society, volunteers can actually be a beneficial force that can help those in need and provide assistance in key situations where there is a limited or unstable workforce.

It can provide skilled workers in populations where education is lacking and greatly help those in need. For the volunteers themselves, the act of helping other people is also greatly rewarding leading to a higher level of personal growth.

The volunteering sector is constantly changing and evolving. For individuals and organizations it is important to keep track of the latest trends and understand how the sector is changing. For instance, organizations need to be aware of the demographics who are more likely to volunteer so that they can market towards them.

Volunteers themselves should be aware of new trends so that they can keep up with the latest occurrences in the sector and know the popular places to volunteer. They should also be aware of what organizations provide the best group structures, particularly when travelling abroad and which not for profit organizations support their own goals.

So, what trends are shaping volunteering right now?

Appealing To The Ages.

Often, when we think of people volunteering, we imagine young, dreamy-eyed students on gap years looking to experience different parts of the world before they settle into a full career.

Or, perhaps completing the obligatory work needed to boost their CV and gain the best chance at being considered for top positions.

Statistics do show that right now the young are the most likely to volunteer, particularly those under the age of 25.

Interestingly, those that fall into the age group between 26-34 engage in the lowest rates of volunteering regularly, supporting the notion that these individuals are more focused on their own careers and their well being.

One of the factors that is beginning to shape volunteering and will continue to have an impact over the next through the years is the ageing population. By 2050, 17% of the world population will be 65 and over.

What does this mean?

Well, for volunteer organizations it could be seen as a fantastic opportunity. Once people reach 65, they begin to think about retirement and have a lot more spare time on their hands.

As well as this, they may have accumulated enough wealth where they can travel or afford to work without being paid. In the UK it was estimated that by 2020 volunteering work from older people would be worth as much as £15bn.

As such, there is a staggering level of opportunity and potential here that volunteering organizations right now may be missing out on. It’s likely though that over the next few years, organizations will realize the potential of an ageing population and will market their efforts more towards them.

More Popularity For Micro-Volunteering.

There is definitely a growing trend of micro-volunteering worldwide. To understand why this is, it’s important to be aware of the idea behind the concept. As already mentioned, when discussing the importance the elderly population, people do have incredibly busy lives.

In their late twenties, individuals are working to get their career started and on the right track. Between thirty and fifty, people are working to support their families and ensure that they have a solid financial structure in place for their future.

By sixty, they have more time but may not be in the best state of health to work more. As such, people looking to volunteer throughout their life may be working with limited periods of free time.

That’s why the concept of micro-volunteering is proving to be so popular lately. Micro-volunteering involves individuals spending small amounts of time to help others.

This is partly due to the growth of FOMO or fear of missing out. Essentially, people want it all. They want to travel, work, give back, socialize, stay fit, explore new cultures and the list goes on.

Since people feel time poor, more individuals are looking for possibilities where they can do a little volunteering in a short amount of time.

In 2013, a study explored the characteristics that make micro-volunteering opportunities more popular.

They found that low time commitments, immediate possibilities, convenient options, informal agreements, online options, flexible time management and take oriented possibilities were all attractive characteristics.

The same study also highlighted the fact that despite there being a high level of demand for micro-volunteering, the number of opportunities for this type of work is quite limited.

That said, there have been notable cases of micro-volunteering campaigns that have proven to be very popular.

One company used the popularity of music festivals to encourage people to volunteer for a limited time with great non financial reward.

Starting in Los Angeles in 2005, volunteers working for just four hours could gain a free a concert ticket. Since its inception, 160,000 people have participated and the campaign has taken place in ten countries.

Going Virtual.

Micro-volunteering and a massive growth in the use of technology has also lead to a unique opportunity for organizations and volunteers alike. We are of course talking about the concept of virtual volunteering.

Virtual volunteering is one of the most popular forms of micro-volunteering in the world today.

Through virtual volunteering, people can work individually or come together as a group and complete work for a cause. This could be part of a social media campaign or any type of work for an organization or charity.

For instance, charities need content for online marketing campaigns. Rather than hiring a full marketer, these charities are often able to attract freelance writers to work for them for free in their spare time.

As well as this there are plenty of organizations set up that use the support of volunteers to complete numerous activities such as blogging, policy work, web testing, translating, graphic design and much more.

The benefit of this type of volunteering is that it can take place any time at any place and is incredibly flexible for the individual. Due to the time constraints for most people in the world today, this has become an increasingly popular form of volunteering.

As such, it is important that organizations are aware of this trend and work to accommodate the level of demand.

Virtually volunteering can be an incredibly powerful force, particularly in the wake of disasters, as was the case in Haiti in 2010. During this time of crisis volunteers online were able to map disaster zones for workers in the area and help them quickly locate survivors.

They were able to do this by sharing images online, passing them on to agencies that could then provide the necessary support. It was a huge voluntary movement that ultimately was able to be a great support for the forces working to save lives

Beating Bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, while there are forces that are leading to more opportunities for volunteers, there is a growing trend in the sector that is inhibiting it. This is the increased level of bureaucracy that has swept across the volunteering industry. Governments have pushed and put in place more processes that are required for volunteers to participate and complete work.

This includes DBS checks, training and interviews. Furthermore, volunteers are also monitored through time sheets, reports and assessments. Essentially, the structures of contracted work have entered the world of volunteering and this of course makes it less attractive to individuals.

Particularly, when you consider that one of the recognised traits that makes volunteering projects attractive is ease of access. It’s also another reason why micro-volunteering is such a fast growing trend.

The good news is that another trend that is steadily growing has seen individuals and organizations challenge the so-called ‘red tape.’ People have started to ask whether such high levels of bureaucracy are necessary in the volunteering sector and whether it can be avoided.

It seems organizations are becoming more willing to avoid the red tap and instead decide their approach based on the individual. Unsurprisingly technology is also being used to make sure processes are as fast and efficient as possible.

While potential volunteers may still have to answer surveys or complete training a significant portion of this can now be completed online so that volunteers can help people as quickly as possible.

Some voluntary work online can even be completed with complete anonymity, requiring virtually no checks during the recruitment stage at all.

It seems then that there are a number of trends that are shaping volunteering right now. However, looking at them, they all seem to be tied into the concept of making volunteering more accessible and ensuring that the opportunity to help others is available to as many people as possible.

Visit for more information www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

The Best Kept Secrets About Volunteering in India.

The idea of volunteering in India is something that thousands of people consider on an annual basis. India is often viewed as one of the developing nations where volunteer help is most needed, as well as offering a chance to experience an entirely different culture to the Western experience that potential volunteers grow up with.

However, much is assumed about volunteering in India, and sometimes without fact to back up the assertions.

If you’re considering volunteering in this vibrant and diverse country, you need to know the reality of what such an undertaking involves; the best-kept secrets that are only known by those who have been there, seen it, and done it.

Read on for a comprehensive look at the realities of volunteering in India and the little-known secrets that you’ll want to take advantage of when choosing how you may spend your time.

India is more developed than you may expect.

What comes to mind when you think of India?

For most people, the image is probably fairly rundown and derelict; mud roads, crowded streets, and a lack of facilities. This is the image of India that is often presented to the Western gaze, reinforced by TV shows and movies that don’t depict India for what it truly is.

Yes, there are areas of India that are exactly like you may be expecting in terms of poor facilities.

However, India is a developed nation with a healthy economy, vibrant mega-cities, and a tourist industry that is well-accustomed to dealing with visitors. Don’t assume that volunteering in India means living in a small village and working with meagre access to facilities; that may be the case, but you may also find yourself in an urban location that is almost identical to your home country.

If you’re worried about going without modern conveniences during your time in India, then you don’t need to be concerned.

The infrastructure is good, the internet is widely available in cities, and in many ways, the country is a picture of 21st-century living.

There is obviously more work needed in certain areas, but don’t assume that India as a whole is going to be stereo typically dirty, grimy, and undeveloped.

There are a wide variety of placements available.

Volunteering in India takes on a wide variety of different experiences, so you can find something that suits your skills.

While you may associate volunteering in India with working in small, rural communities, there are actually a wide variety of different programmes available that offer a very different experience.

Below is an overview of some of the realistic volunteering programmes you may wish to join.

Computer Skills.

Computer literacy is just as important in the developing world as it is in the western world, so teaching computer literacy is a worthwhile and beneficial way of spending your time volunteering.

You can help an entire generation expand their horizons by introducing them to working with computers, the internet, and even basic programming skills.

Medical Care.

Medical care is one of the more standard, well-known volunteering opportunities available in India, but you don’t have to be a doctor to be a viable candidate.

While classic medical assistance, such as that provided by medics or nurses, will always be valuable, there are plenty of less-conventional options such as working in yoga, meditation, or elderly care.

Educational Work.

Educational work comes in a variety of different forms. You can work with young children, helping them to educate themselves for future life. Or you can work with adults, teaching English or just helping them learn the skills they need to make the most from their life experiences.

You do not need teaching qualifications to perform this kind of work; though it’s beneficial if you have them, there are plenty of opportunities for those without prior experience too.

Sports Coaching.

Movement and sports are a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. By volunteering as a sports coach, you can enrich lives while encouraging a sense of fun for both adults and children.

A wide variety of different sports can be coached throughout India, so target your experience towards a sport that you already enjoy and know how to help others participate in also.

Women’s Empowerment Initiatives.

Women’s empowerment initiatives are relative newcomers to the volunteering roster, but can be incredibly fulfilling. India is not alone in having issues with domestic abuse and lack of female empowerment, but it nevertheless is an issue that you can seek to help address through volunteering.

You can volunteer in women’s refuges, or provide educational work in communities that can help bring a new source of empowerment to an otherwise often-neglected group.

Working With Vulnerable Children.

One of the more well-known options for volunteering in India is working with vulnerable children. This can mean providing assistance in refuges, or working in the community to help educate and provide support to families who may be struggling.

While there is no doubt that this kind of volunteering can take an emotional toll, it’s also some of the most worthwhile and genuinely life-changing for the people that you assist.

Construction Projects.

India is a rapidly expanding and growing country, with a fierce economy and strong plans for the future. As a result, there are endless construction projects ranging from business offices to development of affordable housing, all of which need assistance from overseas volunteers.

This is work you can do even if you have little to no experience within the construction industry, and can give you the opportunity to truly shape the future of an emerging nation.

As you can see from the options above, one of India’s best-kept secrets is that the volunteering options are rich and varied. There is something for everyone in this sprawling, stunning country, so you should be able to find a volunteering opportunity that suits your personal skill set with relative ease.

The language barrier is not as bad as you may fear.

One of the best-kept secrets about India is that volunteering in the country is not quite as alien as you may have been lead to believe. India is a country of languages — it’s thought that most Indian citizens have experience of at least five different languages or dialects — and English is one of the official languages of the country.

As a result, you won’t have to worry too much about making yourself understood or navigating through the country, which will help you settle in and make the most of your experience.

While it’s helpful to carry a pocket phrasebook, especially in less urban environments, for the most part you will be able to move through India with ease even if you only speak English.

The benefits of bottled water.

You may have heard of the issues that travellers and volunteers can experience with the water in India.

What you have to remember is that this reputation is well-earned, and you will have to take all precautions when it comes to drinking water. Bottled water is readily available and will save you a huge amount of discomfort; it’s unwise to assume you will be fine to drink tap water as you normally would at home.

The problems are very real, so you will definitely want to continually invest in clean, bottled water during your time in the country.

You will have time to explore the country.

While volunteering in India is hard work, work is not the only thing you will have the chance to do during your time in the country.

Most providers ensure they provide suitable exploration time, allowing you to experience the wonders of the country as a tourist as well as a volunteer.

You’ll be able to take in the sights, marvel at the stunning vistas, and generally explore as you normally would outside of your assigned volunteering times. It’s hard work, but there’s plenty of time for play in most schedules too.

Attitudes towards foreigners.

One of India’s best-kept secrets is their open, welcoming, and downright pleasant attitude to volunteers.

Volunteers are widely welcomed, their contribution appreciated, and you will find yourself part of a local community in a very short time.

Some prospective volunteers wonder how their efforts will be perceived when they land in their host country; if you have these concerns about India, then you can be reassured that you will be seen as nothing but a beneficial, helpful, and appreciated worker.

The culture in India encourages adaptation of foreign workers, so you will experience nothing but pleasant greetings and integration into the culture for the entire time you are volunteering in the country.

Not only will this make your experience more comfortable and pleasant, but it will also allow you to achieve as much as possible during your volunteering efforts.

In conclusion.

Volunteering in India may be very different in reality to what you have been led to believe the experience will entail.

There’s so much help you can offer in this vibrant, fascinating country, so if you want to make a difference in the world while enriching your own experience, why not head to India and learn a few secrets of your own?

Visit for more information www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

Where to Volunteer During Spring break 2022?

Rather than spending your spring break partying or lying back on the beach, you might be considering being more productive and perhaps participating in a meaningful activity such as volunteering.

Through voluntary work abroad, you can improve the lives of other people in need, and you’ll find the work to be incredibly rewarding. You might be wondering where you should volunteer for your spring break in 2022.

We have some fantastic suggestions.


One possibility would be volunteering in India. The best part about volunteering in India is that there are so many fantastic opportunities to help others and a number of organizations to help you in your quest.

You might want to work with children. If that’s the case, you can work with the street children in the country. Over 11 million children live on the streets of India and desperately need support to gain food and shelter.

Working with these children, you can give them a better quality of life and help them gain the best chance at a better future.

Alternatively, you may think about working building homes. There are plenty of possibilities of manual work in India if you feel like testing your skills and working your muscles.

Aside from the opportunities to help people, India also has an incredible culture to explore and amazing  sights to see in your spare time.

Costa Rica.

As well as being a tropical paradise, Costa Rica is another great place for people eager to volunteer and get more out of their gap year. Costa Rica is one of the most popular spring break destinations, but there is more to discover here than the beauty of the natural landscape.

Many volunteer projects are available including the standard option of teaching English to children and older students in schools. If you are a nature lover, you might also want to explore the possibility of joining the turtle conservation project. Here you will be working to help protect aquatic species and clean up the ocean.


If you’re looking to journey somewhere completely different on your Spring Break, Peru could be the destination for you. There are plenty of volunteering possibilities available in the beautiful city of Lima. High in the mountains, you’ll be able to work in medicine, complete renovation work or use your skills to help young children in schools.

A longer stay might be necessary for this destination, and it is typically considered one of the cheapest places to travel and stay for a spring break. So, if you are looking to volunteer and you’re on a tight budget, it could be a great option.

In your spare time, you will be able to journey back in time, exploring ancient relics and fascinating architecture. Of course, as with any volunteering project, one of the best parts is sinking into a new culture, and you’ll certainly find the locals to be wonderfully welcoming in Lima.

We hope you have a great time volunteering in whichever destination you choose for your spring break in 2022.

Gap Year in India is So Famous but why?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll be familiar with the concept of gap years. More specifically, you probably know that India is one of the most popular destinations.

Nowadays, millions of youngsters from across the globe decide to take an extended break from their normal lives. India gains more than its fair share. With a whole planet of destinations to choose from, it’s no coincidence that the South Asian nation attracts so many. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons behind its strength in this particular market.

The Attraction Of A Gap Year.

The gap year is far from being a new concept, but its growth in popularity in recent years has been nothing short of the phenomenal. For the millennial generation, it is a deviation that’s seen to be a normal step along the journey of life. In truth, it isn’t hard to understand the reasons behind the increased appeal.

First and foremost, international travel has become more affordable, more accessible, and safer. Moreover, most people boast the experience of booking holidays before they leave their teen years. This makes the idea of planning a gap year far less daunting. There’s no doubt that travel in general has seen a huge surge of popularity, and this is just another example.

Gap years aren’t simply a chance to explore the world, though. Once perceived as a detrimental influencer, they are now known to offer career benefits as well as life experiences. In truth, there are plenty more rewarding features to consider too.

Ultimately, the gap year experience can be enjoyed at any point in life. For youngsters, though, it can be a great way to achieve great things. They can also be used to break up the studying process, or as a bookend to make the transition into working life a little smoother. When combined with the difficulties of making progress in other life aspects, such as getting on the property ladder, the appeal is clear to see.

Gap years have always appealed, although the time spent away from loved ones was a huge stumbling block for many years. Thanks to modern communication facilities, though, this is no longer a major problem. Ultimately, modern society has developed a desire to grab hold of opportunities. For this reason alone, it’s no wonder so many choose to take a year out to better themselves.

Why India?

There’s no doubt that the general concept of taking gap years has a huge appeal, particularly for younger generations. While the excitement of being in a position where spontaneity is encouraged is great, very few set off on their adventures without a basic plan. The opening destination is one of the most important decisions that any traveler faces, and India’s appeal can be attributed to many factors.

Here are some of India’s key selling points for backpackers and gap year travelers from across the globe:


For most people, “experiencing something out of the ordinary” is top of the agenda when planning a gap year. India is a vast land that boasts a greater range or religions, cultures, languages, and sceneries than most. As such, every day is a new adventure, and that makes visiting the South Asian country a highly attractive prospect.

The vast majority of gap year explorers won’t want to stay in the same city for their entire stay. When visiting India, the major cities of Mumbai, New Delhi, and Agra are just the start. The world’s seventh largest country is a hotbed of things to see and do. From climbing mountains to seeing the Taj Mahal, there’s no chance of getting bored. Not least with over 1.2 billion people to interact with.

India is a wonderful place for self-discovery, which is another hot topic for most visitors. It’s a holy nation that celebrates various strands of Buddhism, Sikhism and Christianity. Whether it’s the excitement of a festival or the relaxed vibes of a one-on-one meeting doesn’t matter. India has everything needed to satisfy this aspect of the gap year experience.

While the heat and humidity can be challenging at times, the climate is another winning factor. This is combined with stunning sceneries and thousands of unique experiences within one nation. It’s no wonder India attracts such a large volume.

Opportunity To Help

First and foremost, the gap year experience is an opportunity for youngsters to find out about themselves. After all, they say that travel broadens the mind. Nonetheless, most millennial’s understand the need to do their bit for mankind. This is another reason why India is one of the most popular destinations for this type of adventure.

As the world’s second most populous nation, there are many wealthy areas. Then again, deprived areas are equally (if not more) frequent. As such, a range of communities and people are in need of a helping hand, making India the perfect place to give something back to the world.

Projects can cover an array of ideas, from teaching English in schools to building homes or growing food. There are hundreds of possibilities awaiting in India. This is why it continues to attract gap year explorers from a whole host of backgrounds and countries. Besides, a two-way sharing of knowledge and cultures is sure to work wonders for all parties involved.

No gap year experience is complete without the rewards gained from supporting the local community. This is especially true when the people are so accommodating. Even on a personal level, those rewards are greater than anything that can be achieved elsewhere.  While India isn’t the only place offering those opportunities to help, the fact that there are more people to support only adds to the attraction.

Affordability & Simplicity

The majority of gap year tourists are recent graduates and students that are taking a year out from their studies. With this in mind, financial matters are a major concern for anyone looking at potential destinations. Thanks to the progress in international travel, getting to India from all four corners of the world is cheaper and easier than ever before. More importantly, once there, the living costs are minimal.

Of course, it is possible to find luxury hotels and extravagant accommodation, particularly in the cities. However, that largely defeats the purpose of backpacking and adventuring. In most parts of India, finding cheap comfort is simple. Whether through a gap year tour operator or through personal endeavors, the challenge is easy.

Likewise, food, clothes and daily essentials can be sourced at minimal costs. As such, India is a great place for millennials to develop maturity in many life aspects. Better still, it can be done without causing long-term damage to their financial situations. After all, it’s imperative that all guests take a responsible approach to ongoing stability.

Booking an Indian adventure is easy too. Operators can take care of everything if wanted. However, it’s equally easy for individuals to do it themselves. With e-Visa application forms and info about medications and injections, preparing for a year away has never been simpler.

Bolster Career Prospects

Anybody wanting to take a gap year will seek recreational elements. India boasts beautiful beaches in the south, an array of tourist spots in the north, and great entertainment in several cities. Then again, most people on this type of trip actively think about their future too. While a lot of destinations fail to deliver, India is brilliant.

An understanding of Indian cultures can only be beneficial as there are a lot of people with Indian roots living in Western countries. Being able to create a human connection by discussing experiences can be a great sales tool. Likewise, picking up a few stock phrases can have a positive impact.

Most people that spend an extended period of time in India will also pick up an array of skills. After all, the variety of projects on offer forces gap year tourists to leave their comfort zones and find ways of overcoming new challenges. As well as learning to use new tools and methods, it promotes the idea of taking a more logical approach. Even simple things like a change in climate can have a huge influence on daily tasks. Working out how to make contingencies and adjust to situations can be crucial in later life.

If nothing else, time in India allows people to acquire a newfound sense of self-confidence. In truth, this can be the most valuable asset of all. When added to the fact that most people will create connections with tourists from their homelands, India is a great place to build a bigger network.

The Final Word.

India is a country that has something for everyone, which is underlined by its popularity with standard holidaymakers. However, the community and culture, along with the chance for personal development make it a winner for gap year explorers too. The fact that it won’t bring long-term financial repercussions only adds to the appeal.

There’s no doubt that India has become one of the most popular gap year destinations on the planet. On the evidence of how successful most guest consider their trips to have been, it seems inevitable that its appeal will only continue to grow.

Plan Best Gap Year in India with 25 surprising facts.

Helpful Tips For Doing Volunteer Programs in India.

Volunteering in India is a wonderful experience that thousands of people choose to engage in on an annual basis. Volunteer work is much needed in the country, and India as a whole makes for a fascinating place to visit.

If you are considering volunteering in India, then you’ll want to know the realities of doing so. To make the most of your time in the country, you’ll need a few insider tips from those who have experienced the volunteer experience to ensure it is as useful and enjoyable as possible.

Here are 12 great tips to help ensure that you are able to make the most of your time in the country.

#1 – Always travel with a companion when visiting unknown areas.

India has something of a reputation when it comes to safety, much of this undeserved. Nevertheless, the country is difficult to navigate if you’re inexperienced, so it makes sense to always try and double-up when venturing into unknown areas.

#2 – Carry a supply of water purification tablets.

This is especially essential if you are going to be working in rural areas, where the ability to buy bottled water may be compromised through lack of choice. The water in India is problematic, frequently containing parasites that may cause stomach problems.

The best solution to this is to drink bottled water wherever possible but, as discussed, bottled water may not always be available.

Investing in a pack of water purification tablets is the best way to ensure you’re always drinking the cleanest water possible.

It’s also beneficial to carry your own reusable water bottle if you are going to be drinking from wells; you can wash and purify the bottle, so you’re always confident it meets your cleanliness standards.

#3 – Pack a few disposable cameras if volunteering in rural areas.

While you may be accustomed to relying on your phone to take pictures, it’s worth remembering that your access to a power source may be more limited during your time in India. This is particularly likely to be a concern if you’re going to be volunteering in rural locations.

You won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to take pictures, though; they’re vital memories that you will treasure for years to come. Take a few disposable cameras in your luggage to capture the moments when you don’t have access to a power source for your camera.

#4 – Plan time to travel and experience India as a tourist.

While the time you spend volunteering is important, you will have some free time during your stay. Most volunteering companies allow for weekends to do as you please, which means you will have the opportunity to travel further around the country and experience it as a tourist.

Try and plan a few weekend excursions to make the most of the country around you. You may want to do some of this planning before you leave, using internet guides to help plan a route and compile a list of places you want to see.

If you skip this step and aren’t sure where to visit when you arrive, then ask the locals for advice; they should be able to give you a few ideas that you can then explore for yourself.

#5 – Encourage yourself to try vegetarian food.

While it’s a myth that India is a vegetarian country, there’s no doubt that there are more vegetarians in India than you would usually find in the western world. Vegetarianism is common in a country where meat is often prohibitively expensive, and where certain animals — such as cows — are seen as sacred. As a result, there are plenty of vegetarian options when you’re eating out.

Many westerners shun the vegetarian options and search for meals that contain meat, but it’s worth trying the vegetarian specialties even if you’re usually an omnivore. The meals are so delicious and specialized that you won’t even notice they are meat-free, and you’ll save yourself a lot of money as well.

#6 – Be wary of carrying large amounts of cash money.

All developing countries have their issues with crime; India is far from alone in this regard. However, this does not mean you shouldn’t do what you can to protect yourself.

Pick pocketing is a particular problem in urban areas, so try and get into the habit of carrying as little cash on your person as possible. It’s also a good idea to store emergency money in a variety of different places, so if you are pick pocketed, you’ll still have enough cash to get home.

One of the best places to store emergency paper money is in your shoe, beneath the insole. Wrap the money in plastic to protect it from excess moisture and you should be good to go.

#7 – Dress according to cultural norms.

India does not have a strict dress code, but there’s no doubt that there are clothing-related cultural norms that you will want to observe during your time in the country.

You won’t get into trouble, perse, if you do break these rules, but it may be awkward or uncomfortable when interacting with locals.

As a general rule, opt to cover skin as much as possible; loose shirts and trousers are the best choice, and will help to keep air circulating around your body in the humid conditions. You may also be asked to wear a hat of some sort when visiting sacred spaces, so take one along in your bag and put it on if requested– it’s not a necessity as such, but it is polite.

#8 – Follow cultural habits on eating and drinking.

One thing that may shock you when you are volunteering in India is the hospitality and food-related cultural quirks. It is very likely that you will be invited for a meal by local citizens; this should be seen as a privilege, so accept if you feel comfortable.

You may be surprised to see that many native citizens eat with their hands rather than using cutlery.

This is completely normal in India; while you are within your rights to request cutlery if you prefer, showing an enthusiasm to try the local norms will be appreciated. 

#9 – Take your own clothesline.

One of the things that you may struggle with while volunteering is drying your own clothes. Dryers are non-existent outside of major cities, and expensive to use even if they are available.

You will therefore have to air dry your clothes after washing, and having access to your own clothesline will make this a far easier task

All you need is a length of cord or rope that you can knot around any firm post, such as a bedpost or wooden stake. This will help to ensure your clothes are always able to dry as quickly as possible, without you having to fight for space on communal clotheslines.

#10 – Hold your head up and project confidence.

Regarding the safety of travelling while in India, the single best thing you can do to protect yourself and your belongings is to project confidence. Hold your head up high, walk at a brisk pace, and generally seek to look like you know exactly where you’re going and want you’re doing.

If you are shy, nervous, or uncertain, you are (sadly) more likely to be a target for pick pocketing.

If you’re confused about where you need to go, stop and assess a map rather than aimlessly wandering until you find yourself on the right track. It’s best to be able to stride forward with purpose, moving at a decent pace, and thus helping to secure your safety when moving through both rural and urban areas.

#11 – Carry soap around in your day bag.

A small bar of soap can help to keep your hands clean throughout the day. It makes sense to have your own supply as there is no guarantee public toilets will have soap on offer, so pack a small bar in a plastic bag and store it when you’re away from your main camp.

This is particularly important if you’re going to be trying the Indian custom of eating with your hands; you’ll want to ensure your hands are as clean as can be at mealtimes.

#12 – Plan yourself some down time during your stay.

Between the work you will do volunteering and the tourist-related fun you’ll want to have on your weekends, there’s no doubt that time spent in India can whiz past.

It’s also exhausting, as many volunteers discover to their dismay; they plan so many activities and seek to get so much done that they risk burning themselves out

It’s important to plan a schedule that allows you some downtime, when you can just relax, catch up on sleep, and observe the world around you. It’s natural that you’ll want to make the most of your time in India, but don’t push yourself so hard that the entire experience flies past in a blur and you need to sleep for a week when you get back home!

To Conclude.

If you keep the tips above in mind, you should find that your volunteering experience in India is as good as you could hope for it to be.

Visit For more information here: https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com/volunteer-programs-in-india/

Dealing with Culture Shock when volunteering in India.

Dealing with Culture Shock when volunteering in India. The chance to experience a country as colorful and diverse as India while doing some real good is enough to attract the thousands of volunteers that help every year. But regardless of how worthwhile and how fun the trip can be, you’re likely to experience culture shock if you spend any extended amount of time immersed in a new culture. Here, we offer a few tips that can help you get over it as soon as possible.

Know what to expect.

Visiting a country before spending a long time in it is a good way to prepare yourself for what you’ll be living in. In India, the heat, the sheer volume of people, and the roads (which seem to be without reason) can all be overwhelming. If you can’t visit ahead of time, then do your research online and learn what to avoid and what to expect so you’re not caught too off-guard.

Focus on the good.

A country of extremes, India can be magical one moment then harrowing the next. Poverty is a huge issue in the country and non-locals are likely not only to be shocked by how open it is, they’re likely to be approached by more beggars than they can feasibly help, especially in the cities.

Be conscious of the issues the country faces, but don’t feel like you have to intervene in every case. You’re already there to do a lot of good, so focus on that.

Learn their way of doing things.

One of the most eye-opening experiences for young doctors and dentists is learning how different medicine is practiced in certain regions of India, especially the more rural ones.

You won’t have access to a lot of the equipment you might have familiarized yourself with. Most people are going to have similar issues with the bureaucracy of India.

Your ability to help might occasionally be hampered by how long it takes to approve certain things. Patience is certainly a trait you’re going to learn (and have to learn) in India.

Accept that there are cultural differences.

There are big cultural differences between India and most other countries and some of them can be difficult to get used to and difficult to accept.

Some relate to etiquette, such as clear disapproval of kissing in public (even in greeting) or dressing more conservative dress styles if you’re a woman. Others are clear flaws to western sensibilities, like the treatment of stray animals or the sight of public urination or defecation.

You will never see eye-to-eye with every aspect of life in India, and the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can enjoy the good.

Get to know the people around you.

You are most likely going to be working closely with locals who either run, work in, or assist the organization you’re helping. You might also be staying in the home of a local.

Finally, you will be helping locals. You have several opportunities to see how loving, welcoming, and fun the people of India can be. Take those opportunities and it can quickly turn around your opinion if you experience those first shocks.

India can be a wonderful country and volunteering a life-changing experience for the good. You just have to adjust to the culture and embrace it as much as you can.

Plan Best Gap Year in India with 25 surprising facts.

Ways to Engage Teens in Volunteering in India.

Volunteering can be an incredibly valuable experience for young people. There’s scope to learn, develop and broaden your horizons at the same time as making a difference to others. Getting teens into volunteering may not seem like the easiest task, but there are ways that can help to engage young people in volunteering.

Here are 10 suggestions that may prove effective for engaging teens in volunteering in India.

Understanding teens and what makes them tick.

Young volunteers are a different kettle of fish to older people who may have already spent a substantial amount of time volunteering. If you’re targeting teenagers, it’s so beneficial to gain an understanding of the modern teen and what makes them tick.

If you have an insight into how young people spend their time and their interests and passions, you can use this information to try and motivate them and encourage them to be enthusiastic about projects that match their hobbies or fit in with their aspirations.

Spending time with young people can give you a useful insight into what day to day life is like and provide useful information about what young people want to do and how they feel they could make a difference if they were to pursue an interest in volunteering.

Connecting expectations to opportunities.

There’s little point in spending time learning about young peoples’ expectations and goals if you can’t match them with suitable opportunities. Some people may be desperate to volunteer on certain types of project, but less enthused by others.

If you’re an animal lover, for example, the chance to participate in a conservation project may fill you with excitement and joy while a program focused on building schools or mentoring children may not be as appealing.

Everyone is different, and if you can pair people who have specific interests to suitable projects, this will help you find the best people for the job and ensure that those who participate in volunteering have a genuine passion for what they’re doing.

Engaging with teens using the right channels.

Today’s teens are very different to generations gone by, and they communicate and learn in a different way. To reach out to young people and encourage them to support volunteering schemes, it’s advisable to ensure that you’re using the right channels of communication. Think about how young people talk to each other and how they discover information.

Phone calls and letters have largely been replaced by websites and social media platforms. With many teens spending hours on their phones surfing the web, using appropriate forms of media is likely to spark an interest and enable more people to learn about the virtues of volunteering and the programs that are available to them.

Promoting the benefits of volunteering.

If you don’t know anything about volunteering, it may be difficult to take an interest, and you may dismiss it as something that’s not really up your street. However, if you have the chance to learn about the benefits of volunteering, you’ve got information in front of you, and you have access to people and resources that provide you with details about how volunteering could help you, as well as others, it’s likely to be easier to consider it as an avenue worth following.

If teens can see and read about how volunteering can change lives for the better, they’re much more likely to be engaged in the idea.

There are so many advantages of volunteering in India, and promoting the benefits is an effective way to turn heads.

Volunteering isn’t just a chance to help people in need. It’s also an opportunity for self-development and socialization and a means of gaining a new perspective on life and improving your career prospects in the future.

If you’ve never thought about the option to volunteer in India, taking time to consider these benefits could change your mind.

Providing information about volunteer opportunities.

If you’re a teenager and you’re thinking about the possibility of volunteering in India, it’s highly likely that you have dozens of questions floating around in your mind. If you’re keen to engage people in volunteering, it’s beneficial to try and provide as many answers as possible to the questions young people present.

The more information you can provide about different volunteer programs in India, the better. It’s so much easier to make a decision when you have all the information you need.

Be accessible and approachable and provide resources that give details about schemes and offer answers to frequently asked questions.

Utilizing talent and channeling interests.

Most of us are keen to make use of our talents and spend our time doing things that interest us. When you’re trying to engage teens in volunteering projects in India, it’s wise to utilize their talents and connect them with opportunities that enable them to use them in the best way possible.

It’s also important to consider the interests of people who may want to volunteer. It’s natural to be more passionate and motivated about something that really interests you.

If you can find opportunities that get teens excited about volunteering, you’re much more likely to achieve a positive outcome and encourage more people to get involved.


Communication is key when it comes to trying to get people of any age interested in volunteering. Be open and informative, ensure that information about programs is accessible and maintain contact with organizations or individuals who are interested in the possibility of volunteering in India.

Talking about different projects can provide a much deeper insight into what volunteering is all about than reading a paragraph in a magazine or a website. With open communication, teens can develop a much better understanding of what volunteering involves and how it could benefit them.

Encouraging socialization.

One of the best things about volunteering is the opportunity to meet new people. If you’re trying to engage teens in volunteering projects based in India, providing a chance to communicate and socialize with others could prove beneficial.

Many people are interested in volunteering as a chance to broaden their horizons and encounter people from different walks of life, and putting young people in touch with those who have volunteered in the past or even those who have benefited from projects, could help to drum up interest and persuade those who may not have reached a decision yet to proceed.

Reading is incredibly helpful, but being able to talk to those with first-hand experience is even more valuable.

Finding the right opportunities.

It’s common knowledge that you make more of an effort when you enjoy something. At school, there are always subjects that will interest you more than others, and this often means that you try harder in those classes.

The same rules apply to getting a job. If you’re eager to get teens interested in volunteering, it’s beneficial to find opportunities that fit.

Volunteering will be a much more attractive and appealing prospect if it involves doing something you love on a daily basis.

There is a broad spectrum of volunteering programs available, but many people have a fairly narrow view of volunteering, and opening teens up to diverse projects in India could lead to more widespread engagement.

Providing an insight into what volunteering in India means.

If you asked a group of young people which words popped into their heads when you mentioned the concept of volunteering in India, it’s likely that you would end up with an array of answers.

The truth is that everybody has a perception of volunteering and most will also have preconceived ideas about what life is like in India. Although some people thrive on taking risks or making that leap of faith, many like to be well-informed before they make a decision.

Providing an insight into what volunteering in India means and involves could help to inspire and motivate young people and ensure that they understand what taking part in a project or program entails and how it could benefit them.

If young people have the answers to questions, they know what kinds of programs are available, and they understand what kinds of activities they’ll be doing on a daily basis, this could help to make the decision-making process easier for them.

Volunteering can offer an array of benefits for teenagers, especially those who have an interest in travel, helping others and experiencing new cultures. It’s always beneficial to try and engage young people in volunteering, but in practice, this is not always an easy task to take on.

Volunteering may not be at the top of the list for teenagers, but there are ways of promoting opportunities and trying to engage with the next generation of volunteers in India.

Very few people like to enter into something they know very little about and providing detailed information and the option to communicate with current or past volunteers is a great way of getting teens involved.

It’s also essential to connect young people with opportunities and roles that match their interests and enable them to use their talents and indulge their passions.

Most people are aware that volunteering helps others, but the benefits for the individual are less well-documented and promoting these aspects of volunteering may make young people more inclined to get involved.

If teens are looking to Volunteering in India Choose iSpiice Volunteer India Programs.

Why and How to Volunteer in India?

There is no doubt that while there is great wealth and flourishing civilizations in some parts of the world, others are still struggling and sometimes require additional outside help from volunteers to help them to improve living conditions. One of the countries most in need of volunteer assistance is India.

India is a wonderful country, but there is no denying that it has its problems. After a long, torrid history, the country has struggled to stabilize in the modern world. This has meant that millions of Indian citizens are still living below the poverty line in poor conditions; conditions that volunteer programs such as those provided by iSpiice seek to alleviate.

If you have been wondering why and how to volunteer abroad in India, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s deal with the “why” first.

How you can volunteer in India?

When you choose to volunteer in India with iSpiice, we will ensure that you have the simplest, easiest experience possible.

First, you will need to think about which programs you wish to be involved in during your time with us. We run a range of different programs that seek to address the various issues that are facing Indian citizens and their communities.

We are based in northern India, which means that a lot of our work is done with rural, farming communities. We offer programs intended to assist with infrastructure and renovation work, as well as child and women educational programs. We also have a focus on health programs, both in terms of education and through sports coaching that can help encourage healthy lifestyles.

We allow our volunteers to select two programs that they wish to focus on during their visit. If you’re not sure, then say so; we’ll arrange work that can encompass a number of different tasks if you prefer. When you have made your selection, you simply need to choose your dates, make your booking, and prepare to leave.

You will likely need to obtain vaccinations prior to traveling; this should be discussed with your doctor. You should also ask the coordinator of your chosen programs which vaccinations you are most likely to require; some vaccines are seasonal and may not be necessary at certain points in the year.

You will also need to prepare your luggage, packing a range of different garments– don’t just expect the weather to be warm! As iSpiice’s Volunteer House and programs are based in the north of the country, the climate is more temperate than you might expect, so you will need a variety of different garments to ensure you’re comfortable during your stay.

Thinking ahead to your visit.

When you have made the necessary preparations, we also encourage volunteers to consider how they are going to spend their time off from their volunteering work. iSpiice volunteers have evenings and weekends to do as they please, and you may wish to take advantage of one of our day trips to India’s most popular tourist locations. We will provide all transport to ensure maximum safety and comfort, allowing you to enjoy the sights without the worry and stress of arranging trips for yourself.

With everything planned, all you have to do is look forward to your departure date, and the incredible experience you are going to be embarking upon soon.

Volunteer Opportunities in India for University Students.

University is one of the most important periods in a person’s life. It’s the time when you learn, develop your personality, and seek new opportunities that can expand your horizons. It’s for these reasons, and many more, that many university students choose to look for volunteering opportunities in India. At iSpiice, we are well accustomed to helping university students achieve their goals when it comes to volunteering in India. Read on to find out what you could offer and experience if you were to follow in the footsteps of other volunteers and spend time working with disenfranchised communities in India.

Who we are?

iSpiice are committed to arranging, funding, and facilitating volunteering opportunities in India. We primarily work with children in the Indian villages to the north of the country. These villagers face a tough climate due to their proximity to the Himalayas, and deprivation and poverty are constant blights.

We focus on sustainable, holistic volunteering programmes that provide real benefit to the people in the communities we help. At present, we are able to assist over 100 children per week thanks to our work and the commitment of our volunteers.

We also aim to be provide a complete experience for volunteers, which is why we offer a number of day trips to allow you to see the magnificent sites that India can display. We have excursions available to the Taj Mahal, The Golden Temple, a Manali Adventure, and a Himalayan Trek. Combining these tours with dedicated volunteering work has allowed us to ensure that volunteers have the best experience possible, while allowing the important work we do to continue.

What we can offer to students?

We’re aware that students have more rigid schedules, which is why we offer placements as little as two weeks in duration. Our longest placements can run for up to 12 weeks, but the two-week stint is suitable for university holidays and thus shouldn’t disrupt your studies– though if you want to stay for longer, we encourage that as well!

We’re an experienced company who have dealt with hundreds of volunteers, so you can be confident that you’re in safe hands should you choose to travel with us. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver all information you require prior to travelling to India, so you’re not left in the dark about anything. We want our volunteers to be aware of what they are going to be doing and comfortable with the requirements placed upon them.

A variety of different placements.

We offer a wide variety of different volunteering experiences, which means you should be able to find something that suits your interest.

The majority of our work is done with children, with education and work with street children a particular priority. We would be glad to welcome your support in this important area. We run English-teaching placements which are suitable for university students without teaching experience; if you’ve got the right attitude and patience, that’s all we need.

We also offer a number of opportunities to volunteer to work with women, seeking to improve female empowerment throughout northern India. This is important work that can improve the lives not only of the women of today, but for future generations of women and girls as well.

We also offer the standard healthcare volunteer placements. These are particularly suited to medical students, but this is far from a requirement; if you have a good basis of first aid and are willing to learn, then we welcome anyone who wishes to volunteer in this challenging area.

Finally, if you’re more a physical kind of person, then we accept volunteers to help with renovations and maintenance to buildings and facilities. Many of the communities we work with have little to no infrastructure, so willing volunteers who can help create better conditions for the citizens we work with are always welcome.

We believe we have a comprehensive range of placements available, ensuring all potential volunteers are able to find a placement they would enjoy.

Where you will stay?

While you may work in a number of villages during your time with us, you will be based at our Volunteer House in the village of Sidhwari. The house is always busy and abuzz with life, so if you wish to travel alone, you’ll be able to make friends while you stay. Western-style toilets are on site, and we go to great lengths to ensure accommodation is as clean and comfortable as you would expect at home. There are separate male and female bedrooms, as well as a general communal area.

All in all, we offer a service that any student should find attractive. Why not get in touch and begin your volunteering India journey today. VOLUNTEERINDIAISPIICE.COM

Teaching Internship Volunteer Programs in India.

Education is one of the most valuable things that any of us experience. Education allows us to expand our view of the world, explore our potential, and truly engage with the society in which we live.

For people who grew up in the west, education is standard. Most western children grow up just expecting that educational options will be open to them; and it’s easy to presume that children in the rest of the world are afforded the same privileges. Sadly, in reality, there are children across the world who would love to expand their education– but don’t have the opportunity.

In the developing world, and especially in India, education is harder to come by. India does not have the infrastructure, qualified teachers, or general standard of living that is necessary for a strong educational system. Although the system is much improved, and more and more Indian children are able to obtain a good education than ever before, there is no doubt there is still work to be done.

Be part of the solution.

If you have a strong desire to bring education to children who may otherwise struggle for access to knowledge, then it’s worth considering teaching internship programs in India. At iSpiice, we specialize in helping connect compassionate volunteers with children who are in need of educational assistance.

What we provide?

We provide a vast range of different kinds of education to the children that we help. As well as standard educational training in core subjects, we also provide educational programs that focus on computer literacy and women’s empowerment. We aim to provide a broad educational approach that is truly able to benefit the lives of the children we assist, helping to ensure a better country in the future.

As well as standard “book learning”, iSpiice also provide volunteer programs in India areas such as sports coaching. Exercise is vital for growing children, and sports coaching is a popular and useful way of encouraging healthy habits. Additionally, we provide private tutoring for any children who may need further assistance, as well as running summer camps that can be incredibly beneficial for both the children and volunteers alike.

Who can help educate children with iSpiice?

We do not require our volunteers and those undertaking teaching internships programs in India to have formal teaching qualifications or experience. If you do have these qualifications, then that’s great, but they are far from required.

All we ask is that you have a genuine desire to help disadvantaged children improve their lot in life and increase their access to education. You will need to be a caring person, compassionate, and have a high degree of patience. All of the classes that our volunteers run are small in pupil size, so you don’t need to worry about being overwhelmed, and there’s plenty of support and peer encouragement for all volunteer teachers.

What volunteering with iSpiice is like?

If you decide to take an iSpiice volunteer program, then you will be well looked after during your stay in India. We are an experienced provider of volunteering programs, and have built up a great reputation, as you can see from our testimonials from previous volunteers.

We try to guarantee that we meet the needs of our volunteers as best we can. You will be housed in a small village in northern India; the house is run by us, and is only used by volunteers. The house offers communal dining, meals on site, a recreation area, separate male and female bedrooms, western toilets, and even Wifi access as and when you require it. We go to every length to ensure that the house is clean and comfortable for all volunteers.

You will be sharing the house with other volunteers, so you can share tips on lessons and classroom management with those more experienced than you. The lively atmosphere at the house is guaranteed to make you feel right at home, and ensure you can dedicate your time to providing the education that children of local communities so dearly need.

We will also provide all transport from the house to the communities that you will be working with, helping to ensure your safety and protection at all times.

We help you to help others.

We know from our vast experience that we provide the right environment for teaching and education volunteers to make the most of their time with us. So if you want to help spread education to the next generation of Indian citizens, get in touch with iSpiice so you can begin your journey as soon as possible.

join us for your next teaching Internship program volunteerindiaispiice.com

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