Welcome to Volunteering in India.

Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

Author: admin

Philosophies of the Ant – Selfless Service.

When you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want! I would like to say that it is an idea, but I think it is much more than that. It’s a principle or a rule that occurs when it’s applied. For every action, there is a reaction. Act by bringing value and gain to someone else, and the response of blessings, fortune, kindness, all that you seek to achieve will come true in your life.
Take for example the ant. What are the main concerns of ants in life? Shelter? Food? Protection? An ant does not care about the size of its appearance or shape. There is no selfishness in the colony.

They all work together to support their queen, and in return, they get the colony for protection, food, and shelter. I guess you could say they work for a more significant cause than themselves. There is a much higher purpose in their area of existence, and sometimes I wish we could be more like them in the aspect of teamwork and altruism.
What would our world look like if we all worked together for a more prominent cause? How would it affect your life to be part of something higher than you, and here’s the clue: know it! How would that change your point of view on what is essential? I know that when I’m going through difficult times in my life, all I have to do is serve someone else who needs more help than me. Guess what’s going on?

My problems suddenly do not seem as important or as bad as they appeared earlier. I understand better how to get out of the situation in which I find myself. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can see that it is much closer than I thought.
So ask yourself: When was the last time you made a difference in the day, the life or even the business of someone else? What did you do this week or month to serve those around you?
My challenge is to take time this week and give it away to a neighbor, a colleague, a friend, a family member or a complete stranger, offering a simple gesture of service. Sometimes it can be as simple as a friendly smile!
Remember, there is always someone worse than you.

So take some time or your life to make a difference in someone else’s home. It will come back to you ALWAYS tenfold. Be part of a more significant cause than you, and I promise you, you will have more prosperity and happiness than you could imagine.

The Negative Side of Altruism.

Many people condemn themselves to the service of others; to make them happy and happy. I call it a sentence because it is a judgment that many people are unable to leave.

Sometimes we forget that we also have needs that are not yet met. It becomes a problem when you realize that it may be too late to go after your dreams instead of helping others get theirs.
However, many people start their search when they are ancient. Even if it’s never too late, it becomes a lot more tiring and less rewarding.
To be able to live their dreams, they must first have ideas. If you do not have a vision, then you will see that following someone else will increase considerably and you will eventually follow the footsteps of someone who is very different from you; just because they have dreams and whether they have achieved them or not becomes a matter of taste from one person to another.

This is something you should avoid as much as possible. You should not copy another’s dream and make it yours. You should find your goals.

But while helping a person with their dream, one could say that they will receive the same kind of help when it comes to their ideas. But it almost never works. There is no way that someone will help you in your thoughts. Otherwise, you will not be credited with everything you do. You must keep this in mind when trying to help someone else because it will not give you the credit you deserve either. You must be humble when you think, but still, have that sense of pride that would not allow you to follow something that is not entirely yours.

Instead of helping others achieve their dreams, you should pay a little more attention to yourself. You should know that you are the most critical person in your life, even if you think that you love others a little more than yourself. Many people are humble enough to think of their love as narcissism, but that is not quite right. For you to love and help and encourage others, you preach a lot what you practice. If you do not do it, then you work in vain.
It’s not always about being selfless. In fact, fair people get almost nothing if they strictly follow the rule that nothing is for them. I mean, the vehicle you drive serves you. Have you ever seen this car run without fuel? That’s what it’s all about. Your dreams become the fuel that helps you serve others; the only thing you need to inspire others.


Take a look at this link http://www.wikihow.com/Find-Volunteer-Opportunities for more information.


A major problem affecting local communities is the lack of motivation of people to go out of their way to volunteer. There are so many ways to spend your time helping people in every community, but for whatever reason, the majority of people in this world do not do it.
The importance of volunteering in India should start at a young age. Each school must have a community service requirement that not only imposes a minimum number of hours of service but also encourages students to want to volunteer more than this amount.
As people age, they must continue to participate in programs that allow them to give back. The problem is that work, family, and other personal issues can prevent adults from donating.
However, everyone from investment bankers to graduate students can find a few hours a month to teach a student or work in a soup kitchen. Once individuals tend to do this usually, it becomes a part of their life as something they do not even think about.
Helping less fortunate people or those who just need help with something is beneficial not only for them, but you are too. Many are surprised how good they feel after volunteering, and most often they like to do it.
When you see that smile on someone else’s face or you receive a “thank you” from them, you know that you have made a difference in someone else’s life. It does not matter whether it’s big or small, as long as you’ve taken the time and done it, whatever it is.

Another benefit of volunteering that most do not think is that by giving a positive example, your friends and family can follow you and dedicate their time to their cause. By giving up two hours a month and bringing three friends, you have given six hours of help to other people in need.
Today’s society allows so many people to help each other and there must be ways to facilitate this process. Once these mechanisms are put in place, our communities will be much better off, both for the people we help and for the volunteers.


Volunteering does not only work for those who receive help, but also for those who do different types of volunteer work in India. In fact, face the question of why volunteering is essential; there are many reasons why this benefits everyone.

First, when we give our time for a good cause; the rewards we receive are far superior to any promotion we could get from work; or good grades that we get from school.

People who volunteer cannot help but feel a little more positive about life. When we see the strait of others; we felt lucky and blessed to have a better experience.

Another reason for Why Is Volunteering Important is that we imbibe in others the spirit of generosity – to give to others; even strangers, all the good things we have received in life. It pays because volunteers often say to people who ask Why volunteering is vital to them?

Perhaps to others, when asked why volunteering is essential; we say that its importance is to show those who need help that the world is always a beautiful place to live. It’s validating that, no matter what kind of tragedy strikes; there would still be a ray of hope in every cloud of rain.

Volunteering also gives hope to those who have lost the confidence in living, who may have lost their trust in humanity. We can even help inspire others to get back to life and start over; and perhaps also encourage others to donate their time, talent, and resources.


If we want to volunteer but do not know where to start; We can always consult different organizations on the Internet where they could use all the volunteer help, they can get. These could help save animals; to make older people feel loved and happy again, or we can just check our community and see where we can help.

We must not start big when we consider Why Is Volunteering Important and where we can share everything we have for the less fortunate. Volunteer to help a friend a family member; give our time to school activities, and even just helping someone at random are already good acts of volunteering.

There are endless ways to volunteer; we must only be open to our environment and genuinely observe what is happening around us. Before we know it, we could already be in the middle of fundraisers; or help those who have been struck by natural calamities to rebuild their lives. Volunteering is a real channel that makes the world a happier place for everyone.


9 Steps to Executing Your Dream Volunteer Program.


9 steps to Executing your Dream Volunteer Programs in India.

You want to impact the world in a way that is important to you. You want to make your cause be known and recognized enough to be worked upon. But how exactly will you do that? Below is a list of points that will help you with not just the planning part but also the execution part of a meaningful volunteer cause. While also painting a clearer picture for you, it will also help you attract investors and keep them interested.

Create a plan.

Before involving others into your cause, you need to answer some questions for yourself. For instance, what is it that you want your organization to achieve? Why do you wish to do it? How will you do it? When should you begin your work? How much will the execution of it all cost? Who will benefit from our work? These are questions that you need to answer first, and then proceed with the rest of the steps.

Determine what you plan to do in details.

You developed a rough idea of the purpose of your organization in the planner, but now it is time to think over it in details. What do you want the scope of your organization to be?  Which sector do you wish to serve?

Prepare a brief for the other people that you will meet with to introduce your organization to, and do not leave anything ambiguous. Try to stay away from either programs that huge and reputable organizations are already conducting, or the regions that they are conducting them in.

Why do you wish to do it?

It is time to answer the second question in detail now. Your cause may have grabbed the attention of potential investors, but now they are curious to know the real reason behind why you wish to do it. Be truthful and do not leave any misunderstandings behind, for it could cost a loss in investment.

Your want and need to help others should come from a place of compassion towards others. The more emotionally invested you are in the project, the more effort you will put in, and the greater the outcomes will be.

How will you achieve your goals?

Establish how you will achieve your organizations goals. Write down an action plan, and make it as realistic and applicable as possible. Keep all factors that could possibly alter your course of plan in mind and then determine the right one. Do some research on the methods that have helped others achieve the same goal as you, set benchmarks, and then develop your course of action accordingly.

When will you get started?

After determining what you need to accomplish and you plan to do so, it is time to think of the time frame that you will be giving yourself to achieve said goals. When determining this step of the process, keep in mind the methodology that you will use to execute this plan and be realistic towards the amount of time that it will take. Do not keep your hopes too high, but do not keep them so low that investors find it too time consuming and think that their money will go to waste.

How much will it cost?

You should not get yourself involved in a volunteer program that will leave you bankrupt. That not only does not make sense, but it will also end with leaving you the one in need of help of others instead of you helping others. While sometimes a good investment is required for the execution of the right plan, keep in mind that it does not have to drain your pockets. State your financial status clearly to those willing to invest, so that a realistic picture of the needs can be drawn. This will also give you an idea of how much to ask for. Not a single penny should go to waste, and every cash inflow should be purposeful.

Who will it affect?

Think about who your plan will affect. In a broader sense of things, will it affect the nature? The wildlife? Or the humans? After deciding on a category, it is time to jump into the details. For instance, if you are wishing to preserve trees, who will it affect? Essentially, of course, it will affect us humans, Volunteering Benefits the Community. But it will also help various ecosystems and habitats of some creatures. Prepare a detailed list of cause and effect that will help the investors see your way and make them want to invest wholeheartedly.

Assessing your efforts fairly.

Determine what outcomes you wish to see, and upon the visibility of which outcomes will you finally decide that your job is done. Define in either quantitative or qualitative methods what you desire to achieve at the end of your program, and once all those results are seen, you will know that it is time to stop.

There are some tips to plan your volunteer vacation during your gap year in India.


Tips to Keep You Safe as you are Volunteering in India.


Tips to Keep You Safe as you are Volunteering in India.

To be safe as you volunteer is very important. You are there to help others, not to become a victim. That is why you must create awareness of certain things before you travel. The following tips are meant to keep you safe as you are volunteering in India. We are sure that these information is going to be of most help. You will be prepared to appreciate their religions and culture, as you get involved with a volunteering program.

Cultural Differences.

The first thing to be aware of is that there are important cultural differences in India compared to the place you are coming from. The best is to get to know their culture in advance, so that you do not behave in ways that are not accepted in India.

The most common issues are coming from misunderstandings related to the different cultural backgrounds of volunteers. Here are some tips that will help you to overcome any issue:

  • Eating with your left hand is considered rude.
  • Nudity is not culturally accepted, and it is banned by law.
  • Public affection is not something generally accepted in India.
  • Smoking is prohibited in public places.

Take these simple statements as rules, and you will be safe of misbehaving.

Religious Practices.

The most people in India are Hinduists (around 80%), but there is also a high amount of Islamic people (around 14%). These percentages may change in certain regions. Get to know some generals about these two religious practices. That will give you awareness of their beliefs, and you will enjoy more of your touristic experience in India.

To be safe when it comes to religion while you are in India, we recommend you to:

  • Always ask if you can take pictures when you are at a place of worship.
  • Have your head covered any time you get into a place of worship.

You must be aware that there is a lot of respect to worship places. Some places do not allow tourists to take pictures. If you do it, you can offend the locals unintentionally. Be attentive, since some places have signs. If you find not sign, then the best course of action is to ask before you offend someone.

The Laws in India.

India is a diverse country. There is a complex civic system in place, with laws that change from place to place. Explaining them in few lines is nearly impossible. However, there are general tips you can follow at all places. No matter where you travel, make sure you:

  • Always keep your passport at hand to identify yourself.
  • Get a backup of your personal ID (photocopies) and put them on a safe place at your host home.
  • Verify what is the legal age for drinking. It ranges between 18 and 25 years. There are places in which alcohol is banned.

Smoking laws change from one place to another. Everything else is common sense.

Security Concerns.

Volunteering is usually developed under a safe environment. However, that doesn’t mean you will not be exposed to the security concerns in India. Criminality rates are high, and that is something that should not be unnoticed.

The following tips are meant to reinforce your regular safety precautions. We are sure that you will eliminate most risks by following these advice:

  • Always travel in groups, particularly at night. If you are a woman, the risks are higher than for men, and you should put special attention to this advice.
  • Go for a prepaid taxi option instead of a street and unknown taxi.
  • Taxis are all marked properly. Do not use private services unless they are booked for you by the organizers of the volunteer program or by the hotel.

As you can see, there is nothing new on these advice’s. They are standard of any place you go. Do not forget to protect yourself at all times.

Also please find some tips of essentials doing volunteering abroad in India.

 How To Involve Yourself in Voluntary Work in India.

Be it on a career break or a volunteering holiday; anyone can make a difference through the many projects in India. Doing volunteer work in India can open your eyes to a developing country full of rich culture, varying traditions and beautiful landscape from one corner of the country to the other.

With 35% of the people living in poverty and 61% percent of children affected by disease-causing germs on their hands due to lack proper hygiene practices, there are plenty of areas where one can offer help through volunteering.

To become a volunteer, you must have the will to undertake any activity as an individual, a group or an organization.To volunteer means that you do not expect financial benefits in return.

One can volunteer in many ways and many different areas. For example;

Virtual volunteering -This is whereby one gives assistance on the internet to complete tasks for an organization while off-site.

Micro-volunteering -Involves individual taking up tasks in small and unpaid increments of time through a device connected to the internet.

Environmental volunteering – This involves a person or a group of individuals conducting a range of activities in administering and conserving the environment.

Volunteering in Emergency–Here, the volunteering group or individual decides to help out during natural calamities.

Community volunteering – This is helping out the local community in setting up small businesses to sustain their financial need in the long run.

Volunteering in school – This is volunteer work towards helping a school to run efficiently. It may involve activities such as building of extra classes or school feeding programs.

Despite India being one of the fastest growing economies today, many people are still illiterate and living in poor conditions. Volunteers are making a big difference in both rural and in the cities of India mostly.

The main areas that have benefited from Volunteerism in India are as listed below.

Women empowerment volunteering.

A lot of women in India do not have equal opportunities as the men do in sectors of education and employment.

Volunteers help to educate the women on their rights and privileges. They also give the women skills that help them secure jobs or work independently.

Supporting disabled children in the community.

The government of India has changed its policies and laws so that they can accommodate the young people with disabilities in education.

Volunteers extend their help in offering physiotherapy and speech therapy. These children also get a unique opportunity of attending school for education.

Healthcare and Nursing assistance.

Medical volunteers visiting India are involved in medical activities most of these are stated below.

-Supporting staff in the operations of the health centers

-Teaching the women on matters of hygiene

-Motivating slum people to come for free checkup camps

-Helping the patients in their daily essentials and much more

Supporting the orphaned.

Volunteers contribute in taking care of the children without parents regarding education, mentor ship, personal growth, and sports.

English teaching at local schools.

Volunteers help by offering their skills in teaching the English language to the local schools and thus benefiting the children in the schools.

Animal rescue.

India is characterized by a number of animals roaming the streets of small towns. These animals normally, do not have a place to call home or someone to take care of them. Some volunteers have been greatly involved in constructing homes and feeding the animals.

Supporting street children.

Street children live under very harsh conditions, No shelter, no medical care, no food, no love and even worse conditions.

As human beings, they need to be taken care of just like any other child out there. The kids are taken to shelter homes and provided with their basic needs. By offering this kind of assistance, volunteers go a long way in helping these street children.

These are just but a few of the many areas that volunteers take part in, in India.

The assistance provided by volunteers to the Indian citizens has been felt. Be part of the change and visit India as a volunteer. The non-financial reward you will receive will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Volunteer in India to Feel a Sense of Achievement.

Volunteer in India to Feel a Sense of Achievement.

India is very popular destination among volunteers. Many youngsters choose this country as a worth exploring destination during their free times. India is very versatile place that has much more to offer due to inherit dynamics it exhibits.

Visiting this country means to interact with people of different ethnicity, races, cultures and believes. In fact, it is similar to exploring a whole new world.

Further, the country is a great way to get break from a boring monotonous lifestyle. Credit for this goes to the beautiful climate which is amalgam of every kind of weather. So, one can choose to pay a visit to this place when climatic conditions are more suitable. India is not all about dynamic landscape, climate and culture. Country is habitat of the world’s major portion of population.

So, there exists a great need of social service to help world’s largest developing nation.

There are many ways through which volunteers can serve India and feel and unlock a sense of achievement.

Contribute for Women Empowerment.

Indian women have to come a long way for fighting patriarchy. Ladies are being exploited in the name of social norms. They have fewer opportunity to move ahead in the male dominate society. Many NGOs in India are working for women empowerment. Being a good motivational speaker or a social entrepreneur puts you in good position of serving with such organization. Talk to these ladies, provide them counselling for what they can do and guide them towards prosperity in their lives. There are many ways; you can make them feel more empowered than ever.

Contribute for Childcare Programs.

Living in a politically significant country of the world doesn’t make Indian residents better off.  Let’s take alone the example of street children in Delhi, capital of India. These homeless kids have nowhere to go unless bunch of NGOs. Such organizations require volunteers who can take care of these innocent homeless children who have remained victim of cruelty

Being a volunteer simply means to do every possible thing for bringing smile on the faces of these kids. Teaching such underprivileged children and making them feel better is the best way to feel a sense of achievement.

Do Internships emerging businesses.

India doesn’t calls for volunteers only. The country offers great opportunities for students and professionals who want to enhance their experience. In fact, helping people with your skills is indeed a great way to enhance the knowledge as well. India is a lucrative destination for medical students. But medicine is not the only field. Many tech companies are also surfacing in the country. Hence, youngsters from all the fields can serve Indian citizens in various departments. In this way, they can have a chance to add experience on their CVs as well.

Serve Patients in Hospitals.

A country which is home to more than one billion people has considerable number of patients. Hospitals have no lack of helpless and gloomy people seeking for volunteers. Spending time with patients is indeed a great way to act as sign of hope for worried people. Volunteers can engage with patients in so many ways. Like, one can distribute gifts among them, have chats with them or share their sorrows.

Explore the country with some mini trips.

All the above mentioned reasons shouldn’t make you believe that India is the land of wrenched men. Country has much more to present as a feast to eyes. Lush green valleys, snow peaked mountains, jungles that emulate Amazon rain forests, desserts, busy markets, archaeological sites and historical places; all these are the worth watching items. After spending a busy weekdays, volunteers can spot some mini trips. Here, one should look for facilitator that arranges for such weekend trips for foreigners. The most popular places in country are Jaipur, Agra, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Manali and Ahmedabad. Do insist on visiting the places like Golden Temple in Amritsar and Taj Mahal in Agra.

Problems you have to Face in Volunteering Abroad India.


Although volunteering abroad in India is considered very useful for the volunteer, yet there are many instances where they suffered a lot also.

It is always necessary to make a thorough research before going to volunteer abroad. This should be related with the area you are going to volunteer, the host family, the weather, and many other things.

A volunteer should always consult with his friends, relatives, his volunteer program members before going to volunteer.

Most of the people you will meet have positive experience about volunteering and will encourage you. But, there are some cases where people suffered and they think it as a useless activity.

There are many online reviews sites which can be consulted while choosing to go for volunteering. Some of the problems that a volunteer has to face are:

  1. Lack of Communication.
  2. Non Cooperation of Hosts.
  3. Various Issues about Placements.
  4. Not Enough Work.
  5. Financial Issues.

1-Lack of Communication.

The first and the most important that a volunteer may have to face while volunteering abroad is the lack of communication at the part of the organization he is going to join.

There are many such programs and organizations that do not back up the volunteers but leave them in trouble. Therefore, before joining the volunteering program or Organization, keep in mind the track record of the group or program.

An ideal program or Organization is where a volunteer remains in permanent contact whether he is travelling or he is doing volunteering services. Communication can solve many of the problems a volunteer is facing at a certain place.

Usually, larger Organizations manage this more effectively as they have more staff engaged with emailing, telephone, and other such facilities. They quickly respond to the queries of the volunteer while he is abroad.

2-Non Cooperation of Hosts.

The next problem that volunteers have to face while volunteering abroad is the issues of host families. These may include their non cooperation, stubbornness and many others.

Although most of the volunteers have positive ideas about the host families, yet there are many instances where problems created. Therefore, before volunteering abroad do a thorough research about the host family.

Also assess your basic needs as food, a bedroom, and a cabinet. Here one thing to keep in mind is that mostly you have to go to developing countries for volunteering, therefore, never expect to have all the facilities. Instead, you may have to suffer from many problems.

Ask your Organization questions related with host family that whether they have already experienced it, do they have enough communication skills, how much are they educated? The answer to these questions will surely help you in deciding to volunteer. Therefore, it is necessary that to avoid issues with host families always discuss in detail with your organization.

3-Placement Issues.

One of the major issues that volunteer often complained is the placement. They are of the opinion that often the placement of work is opposite to the place they were vowed to work for.

The reputed and large Organizations do have such problems. A volunteer should also make a thorough research for the company. He should check the following things:

  • How the Organization is vetted?
  • Is there any Onsite manager to discuss various issues?
  • Does the Organization operate through a website?
  • What sort of reputation it has in the field?
  • What will be my responsibilities?

Answer to these questions will make it easy for you to choose the Organization or program. It is also necessary to consult with the volunteers, who had performed with the Organization, about the Organization’s communication with the volunteer. The good Organization is the one which displays all the necessary and accurate information on the website for the guidance of volunteers.

4-Not Enough Work.

There is another complaint of volunteers that they are not given proper work but spend most of the time waiting for the work. This situation also arises when they place more volunteers at one place without estimating the quantity of work.

This problem can be overcome through taking a permanent work schedule from the Organization. The organization must provide you with breakup of timing to perform certain services. Also keep in mind always the schedule of holidays in the hosting countries.

Many volunteers make the mistake of going to their target place without keeping in view the schedule of leaves. The result is that due to leaves in the target place, there is not enough work available to be carried out.

5-Financial Issues.

Another complaint of volunteers is that the Organizations are charging more fees for volunteering abroad. Therefore, it is also necessary to examine carefully which Organization to choose and what are their fees. If there is some doubt, leave it and go for another option.

In conclusion, we can say that volunteers have many complaints about volunteering abroad but these can be easily managed.

Here are some tips how to start volunteering abroad in India?

Volunteering Opportunity to work with Elephants in India.


Are you looking for a volunteering opportunity in India that is out of the box? If you are ready to live an adventure, India is waiting for you. You could volunteer to take care of one of the greatest animals on earth. Become friends of an elephant, and start today your volunteering adventure. This sort of giving back is something you will never forget.

The Environment.

You can find the sort of program to work with elephants in an Elephant Village. This place is where elephants from all around India are taken after they are rescued from zoos or circus in which they used to live. These elephants were not treated right. They were rescued and now have a place to live in which the locals take care of their needs. This is a safe haven for this impressive animals.

The people that live among the elephants are fully aware of their needs. They live together in a village that has become a magical place where these enormous animals exist. One of the villages has over a hundred elephants. Half of them are already settled on special installations. You can be part of the daily activity to continue to take care of elephants.

The Chores.

The chores when volunteering to take care of elephants include many tasks. You would be in charge of the cleaning and grooming of the elephants themselves. That is one of the most interesting experiences, as you will be working very close to them. One of the scariest chores for some people is to be part of the cutting nail procedure. This is important to keep the elephants clean and ready. If you feel comfortable around these big animals, you are going to love to give them a massage.

Other chores include cleaning their area and making chapatti and hay packages to feed them later. These chores are some of the most exhausting, as the weather is generally hot. To reward the volunteers for all their hard work, there is another chore that is one of the most wanted for most. You can take elephants for a walk. Taking the elephants to eat and refresh is part of the reward after a day of hard work.

The Schedule.

The schedule to work with elephants 6 hours a day from Monday to Friday. The schedule starts early in the morning (5 am) so that the sun is not too hot. During this first shift, the hardest work is done. In the afternoon, elephants are taken to eat and refresh. This second shift is of three hours. Some people find the second shift the reward after the first shift.

The Experience.

Elephants are an important part of the culture in India. Working with elephants can bring you the opportunity to submerge into their culture. The experience is memorable, and you will get back home with memories you will never forget.

Of course, this volunteering opportunity is not easy. When you engage, you are going to find the work exhausting. The physical activity required to work with elephants can be a lot of work, and if you are not used to it, you may resent it, particularly during the first days. However, and beyond the exhaustion, the reward of working side by side with people from India and taking care of these marvelous creatures is worth every sweat drop.

Be Aware of the Culture.

The volunteer opportunity to work with elephants in India is usually bonded to villages in which there is a huge elephant population. However, elephants are not there alone. They are bonded to local elephant keepers. They will be your guide when you get into the elephant’s world. In India elephants are part of the daily culture. Most elephants you will know are used in local events and religious ceremonies. This has been a tradition for centuries, and you must respect it.

Visiting India as a volunteer is better than visiting it as tourist.

On the world map, India is very strategic and significant country. It attracts thousands of tourists every month from all the corners of the world.

Everyone craves travelling and visiting the far off places, but financial constraints act as bar. One of the best ways to visit any country while cutting on the costs is to act as a volunteer.

Luckily, India’s social dynamics make it a perfect hub for volunteers. In order to explore this country the best way is to become an effective contributor to Indian society. In this way, visitors also feel a sense of fulfillment while working positively for betterment of a nation. Apart from this, getting exposure to vibrant and lively cultures is also a plus.

A foreigner is better off by visiting India as a volunteer than visiting the country as a tourist for following reasons.

  • It is less costly.

Yes volunteers need to pay fewer costs for visiting India than tourists. There are many NGOs and programs that accommodate volunteers on limited funding. In many cases residential expenses, meals, local transport and other such fixed expenditures don’t cross few hundred dollars. Reason, is that many volunteers have to work with NGOs that only need services. Very often a bit of detailed search can also help a foreigner to land some paid volunteer work Travel programs in India.

  • Experience is more immersive.

Interaction of tourists with locals is always very much limited. It is not possible for an ordinary tourist communicate with native people in a way as a volunteer can do. At most tourists just deal with hotel receptionists, managers, waiters, shopper or other such individuals.

While volunteers get to know the actual problems, people of any country usually face. They come in contact with men, women and children of under privileged communities. They don’t remain limited in the vicinity of their hotels, rather visit the slums.

They try to understand the way of their life and work for bringing more betterment.

  • They have a sense of satisfaction.

A tourist only contributes in an economic way. He may be just buying products and giving a boost to the business of locals. The task of volunteers is not limited at all; they contribute more towards the betterment of society. In India, almost 70% of population lacks an access to the basic amenities of life. Women and children are oppressed and face malnourished. Patients don’t have access to health facilities.

Kids living in slums can’t afford the basic education. In fact India is an underdeveloped country with second largest population after China. Increased number of people with complex dynamics is something that readily paves way for problems and social issues.

Volunteers, who contribute to the Indian society by helping underprivileged people, achieve a sense of fulfillment.

  • Volunteers gain an experience.

Nothing is more meaningful than travelling to other countries; it just makes people to explore the broader horizons. But a tourist who just has to visit places, monuments, markets and archaeological sites, just takes an overview of the place.

He doesn’t succeed in knowing much about the people. Getting to know the people from different culture is indeed a plus benefit of volunteer. The real advantage shows up in the form of an addition in CV.

Human resource which is more experienced in dealing with people from different cultures, readily qualifies for many jobs. In fact ability to deal with diversity is what makes an individual more competent in job market.

  • Every tourist can’t be a volunteer.

Yes, this is true not all the tourists are volunteers. For instance, just take the example of an old age man who would visit the India only for a change of environment; the man is just a tourist and not a volunteer.

Real volunteers can be professionals, students, gapers, teenagers, under graduates and internship seekers. Yes, mostly youth which is builder of future qualifies to be a volunteer in India, which is undoubtedly the best place to explore.

Sports Volunteering in India with School Children.

Are you passionate about sports? Combine your passion with a volunteering work and travel in India. There are plenty opportunities at sports schools in India to work as a volunteer. You can assist coaches and have fun as you give back to the community.

Share your knowledge with passion with other passionate people on a sports program. You had the chance to learn your favorite sport at your hometown. However not everybody has been as fortunate as you are. Give it back enrolling to this volunteer opportunity!

The Role of International Sports in India.

In India due to the openness of international programs, people can watch international sports. They follow European football leagues, cricket and other sports events. If you get the chance to be in an Indian home during a weekend, you will learn and feel their passion. They really get into sports.

What it Takes to Practice a Sport.

But when it comes to the actual practice, things are not working as smooth as with the sports exhibits. Of course, television makes exhibits much more easy, but it cannot do anything for real people to get involved with sports. If you think about it, there are many things needed to develop a particular sport on a country.

To develop your skills on a particular sport, your will is not enough. You need to have the facilities to make it happen. Most sports require at least a proper field and some equipment. Having a ball is essential for basketball, volleyball and football. If you are thinking of cricket or badminton, then you would need more gear.

Most likely you take all these things for granted. You may have had the equipment from the sports you loved and those you were not so involved. Children in developed countries have access to everything they want. However, in other places like India, there is a lack of services and such things like sports are the least attended.

Once you have the Basics, there is Something More.

There have been many initiatives to promote sports among Indian youth. These organizations have made an effort to provide the basics. They are building courts and bringing equipment, accessible to everyone who want to join.

The problem then is that there are no skilled professionals to teach the youth. Once you have the basics, there is something more. And what you need next is the knowledge and the techniques. Most Indians know about sports from television. But that doesn’t mean they know how to train.

If you have participated in competitions, you know that the actual event is just the culmination the sweat you spend training for months. This effort requires discipline and techniques. There are ways to enhance your performance, but it doesn’t happen overnight. You need some guidance.

Give back Sharing your Passion on Sports.

This is where you fit in a volunteering program at a sports school. If you have a passion for sports, then share it with less fortunate people. You know how to train. They are eager to learn. Show and develop your skills as you help developing their skills.

By sharing your passion with other passionate people, you will start enjoying sports at a brand new level. Life will take a different meaning, and through your favorite sport, you will get another type of fulfilment: the satisfaction of giving back.

Which Sports can you Coach?

You can coach practically any sport. The most popular options for volunteer opportunities in India are:

  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Volleyball

Continue your own training in India. The conditions are set for you to develop your abilities further. Do it as you coach Indian youth on your favorite sport.

You can enroll in programs that are as short as a couple of weeks or even for months. Most volunteer opportunities in India on sports are flexible, and it is easy to fit them on your agenda.

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