Welcome to Volunteering in India.

Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

Why and How to Volunteer in India?

There is no doubt that while there is great wealth and flourishing civilizations in some parts of the world, others are still struggling and sometimes require additional outside help from volunteers to help them to improve living conditions. One of the countries most in need of volunteer assistance is India.

India is a wonderful country, but there is no denying that it has its problems. After a long, torrid history, the country has struggled to stabilize in the modern world. This has meant that millions of Indian citizens are still living below the poverty line in poor conditions; conditions that volunteer programs such as those provided by iSpiice seek to alleviate.

If you have been wondering why and how to volunteer abroad in India, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s deal with the “why” first.

How you can volunteer in India?

When you choose to volunteer in India with iSpiice, we will ensure that you have the simplest, easiest experience possible.

First, you will need to think about which programs you wish to be involved in during your time with us. We run a range of different programs that seek to address the various issues that are facing Indian citizens and their communities.

We are based in northern India, which means that a lot of our work is done with rural, farming communities. We offer programs intended to assist with infrastructure and renovation work, as well as child and women educational programs. We also have a focus on health programs, both in terms of education and through sports coaching that can help encourage healthy lifestyles.

We allow our volunteers to select two programs that they wish to focus on during their visit. If you’re not sure, then say so; we’ll arrange work that can encompass a number of different tasks if you prefer. When you have made your selection, you simply need to choose your dates, make your booking, and prepare to leave.

You will likely need to obtain vaccinations prior to traveling; this should be discussed with your doctor. You should also ask the coordinator of your chosen programs which vaccinations you are most likely to require; some vaccines are seasonal and may not be necessary at certain points in the year.

You will also need to prepare your luggage, packing a range of different garments– don’t just expect the weather to be warm! As iSpiice’s Volunteer House and programs are based in the north of the country, the climate is more temperate than you might expect, so you will need a variety of different garments to ensure you’re comfortable during your stay.

Thinking ahead to your visit.

When you have made the necessary preparations, we also encourage volunteers to consider how they are going to spend their time off from their volunteering work. iSpiice volunteers have evenings and weekends to do as they please, and you may wish to take advantage of one of our day trips to India’s most popular tourist locations. We will provide all transport to ensure maximum safety and comfort, allowing you to enjoy the sights without the worry and stress of arranging trips for yourself.

With everything planned, all you have to do is look forward to your departure date, and the incredible experience you are going to be embarking upon soon.

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